Searching for a guest

You can search for a guest who has incurred the expenses. Click Add in the Guest section of the Expense Report line item details page. The Find Guests page is displayed.

  1. Specify this information in the search criteria section:
    The name of the guest.
    Indicates the type of guest. Possible values:
    • External
    • Internal
    The title of the guest.
    The name of the company to which the guest is associated.
    Is User-created
    Indicates whether the guest details have been created by a user. Possible values:
    • Yes
    • No
    Recently used in
    Indicates the recent references of the guest. Possible values:
    • This document
    • All Documents
    Guest list
    The list to which the guest is added.
    Address Name
    The address of the guest associated with the expense.
    The name of the city in which the guest resides.
    The name of the state or the province in which the guest resides.
  2. Click Find. The guest names based on the search criteria information are displayed at the right of the page.

    You can use this page to:

    • Add a new guest, using the New option. You can also create a new guest from the specified search criteria, using New: From Search option from the New list.
    • Manage recently created guest details, using the manage link.
    • Review the guest details, using the Guest Details option corresponding to the Guest on the right of the page.
    • Find a guest list, using the Find Guest List option corresponding to the Guest List field.
    • Review the guest list details, using the Guest List Details option corresponding to the Guest List field.
    • Export the data related to the guests, using the Export option.