Creating a travel plan

You can specify the details for creating a travel plan document. Click Create a New on the Infor Expense Management home page and select Travel Plan.

  1. Specify this information:
    Document Title
    The title of the document.
    The purpose of travel. You can also click the Add option to specify the purpose.
    Cost Center
    The cost center to which the travel plan is allocated, if required by the company.
    The project to which the travel plan is allocated. You can also click the Find Project option to search the project.
    Trip Type
    The type of travel. Possible values:
    • Domestic
    • International
    Number in Group
    The number of people traveling.
    Cash Advance Request
    Select this check box to request for cash advance.
    Note: You can either specify a cost center or a project.
  2. Click Save.

    You can also use this page to:

    • Add a purpose, using the Add option.
    • Search for a cost center, using the Find Cost Center option.
    • Search for a project, using the Find Project option.
    • Review project details, using the Project Details option.
    • Add additional cost center or project allocation, using the Add Allocation option.
    • Export the data related to the travel plan line item details, using the Export option.