Reviewing documents
You can click Documents for Review on the Infor Expense Management home page to review documents.
- Select a document.
Approve, reject, or
return the document to the user for more information. If the document is returned for
more information, the creator can update and submit the document again for approval.
A reviewer can perform these tasks:
- Review the details of a document.
- Review the receipts attached to the expense reports and payment requests.
- Review the Audit score (Document score and User Score) to summarize the business rule violations. This functionality helps identify, track, and trace expense reports that do not comply with the organization’s standards. The document score is based on the business rule violations in a document and the user score is calculated by the average compliance score of all documents.
- Accept or reject exceptions.
- Approve or reject the
document.Note: You can configure the er.hideChargeCodeApproveReject or the pr.hideChargeCodeApproveReject application parameter to hide the Approve or the Reject option for the charge code reviewers.
- Approve or reject line items.
- Add notes to the document that is rejected or returned for more information.
- Return the document
to the user for more information.Note: Reviewers or auditors use the Recall Returned for More Info option to recall documents that have been returned for more information. This action can be performed only if the owner of the document has not provided the information requested by the Reviewer or the Auditor.
Basic information for all documents:
Content Description General Information The general information about the employee such as, the employee name, the ID number, the manager or approver and the cost center. Linked Documents The documents linked to the report. You can click a link to open the attachment in a separate window. Document Exceptions The exceptions related to the document. The information includes the violation and the explanation specified by the user. Accept or reject each exception. Item Exceptions The exceptions at the line item level. The information includes the violation, the item number, and the explanation specified by the user. Accept or reject each exception. If you click Reject for a line item exception in an expense report, the approved amount is set to zero. Document Notes The notes attached to a document. For each note, the name of the user, the date, and the details of the note are provided. Item Notes The notes attached to a line item. For each note, the item number, the name of the user, the date, and the details of the note are provided. Audit Log The audit details. Expense Report information:
Content Description ER TP Comparison The detailed comparison of the expense report with a linked travel plan. Financial Overview The overview includes: - The total reported expenses, excluding the cash advances.
- The personal expenses, excluding the cash advances.
- The total expenses excluding the personal expenses.
- The unauthorized expenses.
- The approved business expenses, excluding the unauthorized expenses.
- The business expenses associated with the company Paid payment type, excluding the cash advance.
- The amount paid to the corporate charge card issuer for the corporate charge card expenses.
- The remaining balance paid to the user by the company. This balance is generated from the previous expense report and is deducted from the amount in the current expense report.
- The reimbursed amount generated from the user's previous expense reports and included in the current expense report. The amount associated with the Cash Advance expense type.
- The total amount paid by the user to the company.
- The amount to be paid by the company. This amount is advanced to the next expense report.
- The amount paid to the company.
- The amount paid to the user.
- The amount paid by the user for corporate charge card expenses.
- The adjustments made to the future expense reports.
Expense Summary The details of the expense category, the expense incurred, and the approved amount. Account Distribution The information includes: - The G/L code and the cost center or the project to which the expenses are allocated.
- The amount charged to the account.
Expense Details The information includes: - The line item number.
- The expense type(s).
- The date on which the expense is incurred.
- The transaction amount and the currency.
- The amount reimbursed to the user.
- The currency exchange rate.
- The amount approved for the expense.
- The method of payment. The purpose of the expense.
- The vendor, if any.
Guests The information includes: - The line item number.
- The name of the guest.
- The company name in which the guest is employed.
Budget Allocations The Budget Allocation information includes: - The allocated amount.
- The project or the cost center to which the amount is allocated.
Overage The additional, unallowable, or excess expense incurred which is billed to a separate account. Travel Plan information:
Content Description Allocation The Allocation details information includes: - The cost center or the project charge code allocated to the travel plan.
- The estimated cost of the travel plan.
- The percentage of charge code allocation.
Estimated Cost Details The details of the estimated costs associated with the travel plan include: - The travel plan type.
- The travel period.
- The start point and the end point of the journey.
- The estimated travel rate for each day.
- The total travel amount.
- The travel vendor.
- The travel class.
- The travel purpose.
Payment Request information:
Content Description Account Distribution The code of the cost center or the project code allocated to the payment request. The account number and the amount are also displayed. Invoice Details The information includes: - The invoice item type.
- The item number.
- The description and quantity.
The guest information includes (if specified in the document):
- The name of the guest.
- The company name the guest is employed with.
Timesheet information:
Content Description Benefit Bank Details The details of the employee's data for the Paid Time Off (PTO) hours. Timesheet Absence Detail The information includes: - The date when the hours are reported.
- The type of charge code used to log the hours.
- The internal code to which the hours are charged.
- The In time and Out time data recorded for each day of the week.
- The total hours logged for this line item.
- The hours logged for leaves availed or holidays.
- The total number of hours logged for the specified period.
- The total number of hours approved for the specified period.