Transferring Large ETL files
The XMDBTool Client and the XMDBTool background process is enhanced to ensure that the Full ETL runs more efficiently and is easily transferable. Full ETL runs only for some customers who tend to have very huge files, that is more than 45 GB. These huge files take longer time (sometimes resulting in time - outs) to either download to the client machine (using XMDBTool client) or to transfer to the SFTP server (using XMDBToolbkg). So, the solution is to break the huge files and do the actual transfer. Infor Expense Management 10.1 supports these processes:
- Transferring large files using XMDBTool ELT background process
- Transferring large files using XMDBTool Client
Transferring Large Files using XMDBTool ETL Background Process
General bkg parameters to run full ETL are:
- toFile=fulletl.txt
- deploy_tables=Y
- mapping_classes=USER_HIERARCHY
These parameters generate an ETL data file, fulletl.txt, that might
be huge (around 45 GB or more). A new parameter
is added. If this parameter is NOT
specified, there is no change in the existing functionality. If this parameter
is specified as splitETLFile=true, the ETL file is split into number of small
files, with each file representing each table. If the total number of tables
(involved in ETL) is 250, 250 smaller ETL files are generated, where each file
represents the sql commands (drops, create, inserts etc) for each table. The
naming convention of each file is <sequence number>-<table
name>-<etl file name>, wherein the sequence number starts from 101 and
is incremental, The table name represents the name of the table, and the etl
file name is the etl file name that is specified.
For example, if we run the bkg with these parameters:
- toFile=fulletl.txt
- deploy_tables=Y
- mapping_classes=USER_HIERARCHY
- sftp=true
- splitETLFile=true
Numerous small etl files like these are created:
- 101-ADDRESS-fulletl.txt
- 102-ALLOCATION-fulletl.txt
- 03-BUSINESS_RULE_VIOLATION-fulletl.txt etc
Each of these files have the related sql commands of drop, create, insert and so on. After all the files are generated, each of these files are transferred (SFTP) over to the client sftp server.
Another significant parameter is
. If this parameter is set to True, the
ETL process continues from the point it had stopped earlier, transferring the
remaining files to the sftp server; in case errors are generated during the
file transfer. If this parameter is set, then first it figures out whether the
full ETL has had a complete run before. If this parameter is set to No, the
entire ETL process is run again.
For example:
- toFile=fulletl.txt
- deploy_tables=Y
- mapping_classes=USER_HIERARCHY
- sftp=true
- splitETLFile=true
- fulletlrerun=true
Transferring Large Files using XMDBTool Client
To download all the ETL files, you must run this command from XMDBTool client:
C:\xmdbtool\\bin>run_etl.bat -deploy_tables Y
-mapping_classes USER_HIERARCHY -to File C:\etl.sql.
This command helps to download all the ETL files from the server, and
generates the
ETL file. There can be time-out issue if the
file size is large. To solve this issue, the XMDBTool Client is enhanced with
parameter. This parameter splits the large
ETL file in the server, into small chunks. Each chunk of the file is downloaded
and a single ETL file is generated in the client machine. You must set the
parameter to true:
C:\xmdbtool\\bin>run_etl.bat -deploy_tables Y
-mapping_classes USER_HIERARCHY -to File C:\etl.sql -etlChunk true
With this enhancement, all the ETL files are run, and the ETL file is generated on the server (as before). After the complete ETL file is generated on the server, the files are split into small files (chunks) and then once the big file is split into many small files, each of these small files is zipped and downloaded to the client machine. After all these smaller files are downloaded, the files are merged into a single ETL file and named as specified in the command (based on the above example the file name is etl.sql). As part of the cleanup, all the smaller files are deleted from the client machine after the files are merged.
parameter sets the number of lines that
must be included in each chunk of the file. By default the parameter is set to
10000, but you can modify the value based on the requirement.
For example:
run_etl.bat -deploy_tables Y -mapping_classes USER_HIERARCHY
-toFile C:\Nitesh\test1.sql -etlChunkSize 200000
This command sets the number of lines in chunk of the file to 200000.
If the fulletlrerun parameter is set to true, complete ETL is run again, starting from the point where the process had stopped earlier:
run_etl.bat -deploy_tables Y -mapping_classes USER_HIERARCHY
-toFile C:\etl.sql -fulletlrerun true -etlChunk true
If an error occurs in the server, during the process of creating the
chunks of a large file, you can run the full ETL process again with the
option. This command starts the
process of creating the chunks again, instead of rendering the full ETL again.
If the ETL chunked files are not required to be merged, set the value of the dontMerge parameter to true in the file . By default, the value of the dontMerge application parameter is false.
The etl bkg can now be triggered from the xmdbtool client batch run_bkg file by specifying xmshare=true in the params parameter. The ETL will run in the bkg server as the ETL bkg process is called and after the ETL run, the file is generated in the xmshare folder , from where the SFTP transfer is done to the specified SFTP address. For example -> run_bkg -bkgName XMDBToolETL.Bkg -params xmshare-_true
Also from version 10.2.15, there will be one individual ETL log file for each run.