Configuration parameters for supporting import of cc files [upload_cc_feed.bat/sh]
These parameters are specified on the client side [upload_cc_feed.bat/sh] and as background process parameters for XMDBToolBkg.CC BKG process:
- cc.uploadFileName: It is used to specify the location of the CC File.
- cc.uploadGetLogFileOnly: Set to true, if only log file is required. By default it is set to false.
- cc.uploadImportFormat: It is used to specify the import format.
- cc.uploadOverwrite: It is an Optional parameter. By default it is set to false. It is used to overwrite the cc file on the server.
- cc.uploadCurrencyCode: It is used to specify the currency code. By default it is USD.
- debugInfo: It is used to get more log info. Default value is false. If it is not null and not true it is set to false.
- cc.uploadDeleteAfterImport: It is an optional parameter. By default it is true. The CC file is deleted once the import is done.
- cc.importThoseBilledCurrencyMatched: It is an optional parameter.- By default it is false.
- cc.archiveLogInOneFile: It is an optional parameter. It is only used by the XMDBToolBKG.CC. By default the value is false. If true, it archives the log files (take the backup with the timestamp) and write the current log to a new file.
- cc.logFileSameAsSrc: It is an optional parameter. If set to true, the log file name is exactly same as source file (without the timestamp). Default value is set to false.
These commands are only supported in BKG for CC Import [XMDBToolBKG.CC]:
- rerun: It is used only when the XMDBToolBkg.CC_RERUN is run. When rerun=true, it picks up the files from the rerun folder.
- runFile: It is used only when the XMDBToolBkg.CC_RERUN is run. It is used to specify which specific file needs to be run. This file is picked up from the archived or the rerun folder, depending on how the file name is specified. For example, if runFile=visa.dat then the file is searched in the archive folder, but if the runFile=rerun/visa.dat then the file is searched for in the rerun folder. This parameter is always used in conjunction with the runFile paramter.
- cc.filepat: It picks up only the files (from the sftp server) containing the pattern specified in this parameter. Optional parameter. Only used in the XMDBToolBkg.CC background process.