Configuration Parameters related to Setting up of SFTP
- sftp: If this is set to true, the system tries to connect to SFTP server using the provided credentials. Default value is false.
- sftpHost: The SFTP Host address.
- sftpUser: The SFTP user ID.
- sftpPassword: The SFTP user password.
- sftpHostImport: This is the location of the folder on the SFTP server, where the data files that must be imported to the Expense Management system (cc and nonCC), reside. Generally, this location is a relative path starting from the user folder. For example, sftpHostImport=/import/.
- sftpHostExport: This is the location of the folder on the SFTP server, where the XMDBTool exportbkg places all the exported files from the Expense Management system. Generally, this location is a relative pathstarting from the user folder. For example, sftpHostImport=/export/.
- sftpHostLog: This is the location of the folder on the SFTP server, where the XMDBTool background process places all the log files from the Expense Management system. Generally, this location is a relative path starting from the user folder. For example, sftpHostImport=/log/.
- sftpHostForLog: The host SFTP url where the logs files are to be sent. This is only required if the log files must be sent to a totally different SFTP server.
- sftpUserForLog: The user id of the sftp server where the logs files are to be sent. This is only required if the log files must be sent to a totally different SFTP server.
- sftpPasswordForLog: The password of the sftp server where the logs files are to be sent. This is only required if the log files must be sent to a totally different SFTP server.
- sftpHostExportPass: Optional parameter. Used only in case when exported files must be sent to a separate folder on the GXS Server. Use this parameter to specify the sftp folder location where the exported files (other than the files that require the detokenise process) must be routed.
- detokenFiles: Optional Parameter. Sometimes CC files, that are exported [generally er_expense_export_line.txt], include token numbers instead of CC numbers. To detokenise, these files are sent to the GXS server, where tokens are replaced with the actual card numbers. So all files, that must be detokenized are specified in this parameter. Use this parameter to specify the prefix of the files that must be routed to the export folder. The default value is er_expense_export_line. Any number of files can be specified and are separated by comma.
- rm: If this parameter is set to true, The files in the SFTP server are deleted after it has been read by Expense Management. By default, this value is set to false.