Configuration parameters for supporting background process [run_bkg.BAT/SH]
- op: It is used to either start or stop a bkg process. Default value is start.
- bkgName: It is used to specify the bkg process to run.
- bkgWaitTime: It is an optional parameter. It is used to set the waiting time before the server is queried for the bkg status. It is specified in seconds. If not set, default value is set to 60 seconds.
- newLog: It is an optional parameter. If new log is required for each run, either leave it null or set it to true. If false, then no new log is created. Log is appended. By default, if value is null set it to true.
- bkglogReqd: It is an optional parameter.- If bkg log is required to be downloaded, either leave it null or set it to true. If false, then no new log is created. Log is appended. By default, if value is null set it to true.