Adding a vendor (PR)
You can use the Vendor (PR) (alpr_vendor_type) table to specify a value to display in the lists of vendors in the Infor PR application.
- Click the Data tab.
- Select Vendor (PR) and click Show Tab. The Vendor (PR) screen is displayed.
- Click New. The Search for Vendor (PR)/New Vendor (PR) screen is displayed.
Specify this information in the Primary Information panel:
- Name
- The name of the vendor.
- Code
- The vendor's identification number.
- Vendor Terms
- The vendor's payment terms.
- Status
- The status of the vendor. The status can be Active or Inactive.
- External Key
- A unique external ID of the PR vendor, if required.
Specify this information in the Additional Information panel:
- Taxable
- The PR vendor services or products are taxable or not.
- Tax ID
- The vendor's tax identification number.
- Tax Code
- The vendor's tax code.
- Click Add in the Addresses panel. The Find Address screen is displayed.
- Specify filter information and click Find or to find all the addresses, do not specify a value in the field and click Find.
- Select an address.
Pick Selected.
Note: You can click Pick All to select multiple expense types.
- Click Add in the Membership section, if required, and add the data groups.
- Click Save to add a payment request vendor and save the data.