Adding a vendor (PR)

You can use the Vendor (PR) (alpr_vendor_type) table to specify a value to display in the lists of vendors in the Infor PR application.

  1. Click the Data tab.
  2. Select Vendor (PR) and click Show Tab. The Vendor (PR) screen is displayed.
  3. Click New. The Search for Vendor (PR)/New Vendor (PR) screen is displayed.
  4. Specify this information in the Primary Information panel:
    The name of the vendor.
    The vendor's identification number.
    Vendor Terms
    The vendor's payment terms.
    The status of the vendor. The status can be Active or Inactive.
    External Key
    A unique external ID of the PR vendor, if required.
  5. Specify this information in the Additional Information panel:
    The PR vendor services or products are taxable or not.
    Tax ID
    The vendor's tax identification number.
    Tax Code
    The vendor's tax code.
  6. Click Add in the Addresses panel. The Find Address screen is displayed.
  7. Specify filter information and click Find or to find all the addresses, do not specify a value in the field and click Find.
  8. Select an address.
  9. Click Pick Selected.
    Note:  You can click Pick All to select multiple expense types.
  10. Click Add in the Membership section, if required, and add the data groups.
  11. Click Save to add a payment request vendor and save the data.