Adding a payment type
You can use the Payment Type (alco_payment_type) table to define the available payment methods. For example, cash, travelers cheque, or a charge card.
- Click the Data tab.
- Select Payment Type and click Show Tab. The Payment Type screen is displayed.
- Click New. The Search for Payment Type / New Payment Type screen is displayed.
Specify this information in the Primary Information panel:
- Name
- The name of the payment type.
- Bill Type
- A type of bill for the
payment type. You cannot modify the type of bill after a payment type is added.
The valid values are:
- Company Paid: For a company-paid expenses. In this payment type, the expense is paid directly by the company and not included in the user's reimbursement amount.
- Individual Bill / Central Pay: For the corporate card managed by a company and an employee. The charges accrued on the corporate card are reimbursed to the corporate card issuer. The company pays the corporate card issuer directly for the expenses that are submitted and approved through the Infor Expense Report application. For example, if a manager approves $700 of a $1000 charge, the company pays only $700 to the corporate card issuer and the employee must pay the remaining $300 to the corporate card issuer.
- Individual Bill / Individual Paid: For the corporate cards managed by a company and an employee. The charges accrued on the card is reimbursed to the corporate card issuer. The employee personally pays the charges on the card to the corporate card issuer and then submits the expenses through the Infor ER application. The company reimburses the employee directly for all the approved expenses.
- Reimbursable Expense: For personal funds, including paying cash, writing a cheque, or using a personal credit card.
- Status
- The status of the ER payment type. The status can be Active or Inactive.
- External Key
- A unique external ID of the payment type, if required.
Specify this information in the Additional Information panel:
- CC Transaction Only
- Indicates whether the payment type is applied to the Credit Card transactions only.
- Click Add in the Membership section, if required, and add the data groups.
- Click Save to add a payment type and save the data.