Adding a mileage rate calculator
To add a mileage rate calculator:
- Click the Data tab.
- Select Mileage Rate Calculator and click Show Tab. The Mileage Rate Calculator screen is displayed.
- Click New. The Search for Mileage Rate Calculator/New Mileage Rate Calculator screen is displayed.
Specify this information in the Primary Information panel:
- Expense Type
- The expense type of the mileage rate.
- Class File
- The Java class that performs the calculations. This is by default '' or left blank.
- Calculation Method
- The method used to calculate the mileage rate.
- JavaScript
- The JavaScript for the mileage calculator. A sample script is displayed in this field.
- Status
- The status of the mileage calculator JavaScript. The status can be Active or Inactive.
- External Key
- A unique external ID of the mileage rate calculator, if required.
- Click Add in the Membership section, if required, and add the data groups.
- Click Save to add a mileage rate calculator and save the data.