Attaching a Credit Card
When the Credit Card Import tool locates a credit card account in a data file, the card data and the transactions are imported, but the card is not attached to the user in the database.
- Click the Users tab.
- Select Credit Card and click Show Tab. The Credit Card screen is displayed.
- Click New. The New Credit Card screen is displayed.
Specify this information in the Primary Information section:
- User
- The name of the user.
- Processor
- The name of the credit card issuer.
- Card Number
- The credit card number.
Note: For security reasons you cannot search by card number. Only the last 4 digits are displayed if the cc.maskAccountNumber application parameter is set to true.
- Expiration Date
- The date on which the credit card is expired.
Note: Transactions cannot be attached to the documents if the credit card is expired.
- Is Personal
- Indicates whether the card is a personal credit card. Personal credit card transactions can be manually imported by the user, whereas company-issued credit card transactions enter the system through an external feed.
- Payment Type
- The mode of the payment.
- Status
- The status of the credit card. The status can be Active or Inactive.
- External Key
- A unique external ID for the credit card.
Specify this information Additional Information section:
- Name Line1
- The user's name as reported by the credit card processor.
- Name Line 2
- The user's name as reported by the credit card processor, if required.
- Address Line 1
- The user's address as reported by the credit card processor.
- Address Line 2
- The user's address as reported by the credit card processor, if required.
- Limit Amount
- The credit card limit amount as reported by the credit card processor.
- Limit Currency
- The credit card limit currency as reported by the credit card processor.
- Company Paid
- Indicates whether the company pays the credit card bill.
- Click Save to attach the credit card information.