Adding a timesheet overtime method

You can use the Timesheet OvertimeMethod (alts_overtime_method) table to create or edit Java methods that you associate with a Timesheet OT Calculation Rule. The Timesheet overtime methods are displayed in the value list for the OT Method field on the Timesheet OT Calculation Rule corporate data screen.

Note: The Overtime Calculation engine is an optional component of the Infor Expense Management application.
  1. Select Manage > Corporate Data.
  2. Select Timesheet Overtime Method in the Data Type field.
  3. Specify this information:
    The name for the timesheet overtime method.
    The description of the timesheet overtime method.
    A unique code for the timesheet overtime method.
    The status of the timesheet overtime method. The status can be Active or Inactive.
  4. Click the Add Absence Type option in the Application Absence Codes panel. The Project/Charge Code Pick Screen is displayed.
  5. Click Find.
  6. Specify the filter criteria and click Find or to find all charge codes, leave the fields blank and click Find.
  7. Select a charge code.
  8. Click Pick Selected.

    You can click Pick All to select multiple charge codes.

  9. Click Add in the OT Method Parameters panel. The OT Method Parameters screen is displayed.
  10. Specify this information:
    Overtime Type
    The type of overtime.
    Select Frequency
    If this check box is selected, specify the interval by which the overtime is calculated. For example, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
    Consecutively Worked Days
    If this check box is selected, specify the number of days that an employee can work consecutively after which the overtime is considered.
    Days# in a work week
    If this check box is selected, specify the number of days in a week.
    Special Days
    If this check box is selected, specify the days that are treated differently for purposes of the overtime method.
    Special Holidays
    If this check box is selected, the hours worked on special holidays are calculated differently for the purpose of the overtime method.

    You can click Add Holiday to add holidays to the list of special holidays and click Remove to remove the selected holidays.

    Threshold based on
    The threshold overtime limit.
    OT Threshold
    The number of hours at which the overtime calculation is considered.
  11. Click Add in the OT Parameter Conditions panel.
    You can define conditions for each overtime parameter. For example, overtime can start on the sixth day of a work week provided that the employee has already worked fo normal 40 hour work week.
  12. Specify this information:
    The frequency to determine the overtime.
    Type of Day Involved
    The work day to determine the overtime.
    Threshold based on
    The method to determine the overtime threshold.
    Threshold Operator
    A mathematical operator to determine the overtime.
    Condition Threshold
    The number of hours to consider as overtime hours.
    Involvement of the Day
    The day to determine the overtime.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Click the Membership tab, if required, and add the data groups. See, Adding or removing data groups from a corporate date type.
  15. Specify an external key, if required. See, Creating an external key.
  16. Click Add to save the data.