Adding a currency format

You can use the Currency Format (alco_currency_format ) table to define the home currency and format.

  1. Select Manage > Corporate Data.
  2. Select Currency Format in the Data Type field.
  3. Specify this information:
    The name for the currency.
    The name of the country for the currency.
    Positive Format
    The format that must be used when the balance is in positive. The S character is for the currency symbol and the V character is for the currency value. For example, if you select SV, the format for USD is $100.
    Negative Format
    The format that must be used when the balance is in negative. The S character is for the currency symbol and the V character is for the currency value. For example, if you select (SV), the format for USD is ($100). When editing the currency format, you must ensure that the format is consistent with the localized currency or the format that is used by the organization.
    The symbol for the currency. When you modify the symbol for a new or an existing currency, the modified symbol is displayed.
    Decimal Digits
    The number of decimal places.
    Alpha Code
    A unique alpha code for the format.
    Numeric Code
    A unique numeric code for the format.
    ISO Code
    The ISO code for the format.
    Exchange Rate Tolerance (%)
    A numeric value for the exchange rate tolerance level.
    The status of the currency. The status can be Active or Inactive.
  4. Click the Membership tab, if required, and add the data groups. See, Adding or removing data groups from a corporate date type.
  5. Specify an external key, if required. See, Creating an external key.
  6. Click Add to save the data.