Adding a credit card level 3 mapping
You can use the Credit Card Level 3 Mapping (alcc_level3_mapping) table to configure the item code-to-expense type mapping. The item maps credit card expenses to a line item's expense types using the SIC code-mapping method.
During the hotel folio import process, folio records are created in the alcc_level3_detail table. Each folio record has a reference (cc_transaction_id ) to the transaction to which the folio belongs. The folio also has an item code. An item code describes the folio expense, similar to an expense type. A critical part of the import process is matching the item code from the feed, with an item code from the internal table (alcc_level3_code). The mapping of the item code to the expense type is based on this match. Each credit card vendor publishes a set of item codes. All these codes are then compiled into the alcc_level3_code table which is then loaded with the ER base dataset. The application creates an itemization for each folio record when you attach a transaction with the folio. The level 3 mapping is used to select an expense type. The credit card attachment process uses the item code from the folio as a lookup key into the alcc_level3_mapping table.