Adding a timesheet overtime calculation

You can use the Timesheet OT Calculation Rule (alts_attd_overtime_calc) table to customize the overtime calculation rules. Use this table to create an overtime calculation rule to associate with a TS Profile data type. See Adding a timesheet profile.

The Timesheet OT Calculation field is displayed on the TS Profile corporate data screen once you create a Timesheet OT Calculation record.

Note: The Overtime Calculation engine is an optional component of the Infor Expense Management application.
  1. Select Manage > Corporate Data.
  2. Select Timesheet OT Calculation Rule in the Data Type field.
  3. Specify this information:
    Calculation Name
    The name for the timesheet overtime calculation.
    Class File Name
    The name of the class file for the timesheet overtime calculation.
    The unique code for the timesheet overtime calculation.
    The description of the timesheet overtime calculation.
    OT Method
    The overtime method associated with this timesheet overtime calculation.
    The status of the timesheet overtime calculation. The status can be Active or Inactive.
  4. Click the Membership tab, if required, and add the data groups. See, Adding or removing data groups from a corporate date type.
  5. Specify an external key, if required. See, Creating an external key.
  6. Click Add to save the data.