Parallel Charge Code Routing Rule template
Use this template to create a server side business rule that manages charge and project code routing actions.
These parameters are displayed on the Parameters tab of the Edit Business Rules screen.
- Consider
- Select whether to consider cost center codes, project codes or both for review.
- Reviewer Selection
- Select from the drop down box the type of reviewer to route a document (that is. Default reviewers, Alternate reviewers, and so forth). When you select the Either default or alternate reviewer option, either the default or alternate reviewer of a project or cost center may review a document. When you select the Default reviewer or, if not found, alternate, the document is first sent to the default reviewer. If the default reviewer cannot be found (because he or she's been made inactive or is the same as the owner of the document), the document is then sent to the alternate reviewer for approval. In both cases, only one reviewer is required to complete the activity.
- To Activity
- Select the activity where the document is to be routed if the rule executes successfully. This list is completed based on the exit fire on selected.
- Filter options
- Select the check box for one of these options to further filter the
business rule parameter actions:
- Route to owner's approver if charge code has no reviewer
- Skip owner's default cost center
- Skip reviewer who is also owner's approver
- Ignore exception for no reviewers
- Include zero amount expenses
- Include personal expenses
- External Key
- Optionally, specify a unique ID. If your company uses the Expense Management Import tool to populate the Expense Management database, external keys are imported into the database automatically. See the Infor Expense Management System Administration Tool User Guide.