Invoice Receipt Deadline Dates Update template
Use this template to create a business rule that sets the payment request invoice receipt deadline dates.
This template has these parameters:
- Number of Days to Late Receipt for Audit List
- Specify the number of days until the payment for the receipt will be late for the Audit List purposes.
- Number of Days to Late Receipt for Email Notification
- Specify the number of days until the payment for the receipt will be late for email notification purposes.
This example shows the possible values for this business rule.
Invoice receipt deadline dates update fields
This table shows the values for fields:
Field | Value |
Name | Invoice Receipt Deadline Dates Update |
Severity | Invalid |
Notification | Both |
Fire on Itemization | Left blank |
Fire Scope | Left blank |
Offline and Online Firing Options | Fire Offline and Online |
Status | Active |
Fire On | Route on PR Submit |
Invoice receipt deadline dates update strings
This table shows the values for strings:
Strings | Value |
Description | Invoice Receipt Deadline Dates Update |
Interactive Message | Left blank |
Policy | Sets the payment request invoice receipt deadline dates. |
Report Message | Left Blank |
Invoice receipt deadline dates update parameter
This table shows the values for parameters:
Parameter | Value |
Number of Days to Late Receipt for Audit List | 15 |
Number of Days to Late Receipt for Email Notification | 7 |
Invoice receipt deadline dates update applications
This table shows the values for applications:
Name | Organization/Group |
Default Company | Organization |