Same Day Combination Expense template

Use this template to create a business rule that makes sure that the traveler does not try to take per diem and actual expenses in the same day.


This template has these parameters:

Base Expense Type
Select the base expense type.
Actual Expense Type
Select the actual expense type.


This example shows the possible values for this business rule.

Same day per diem combination expense fields

This table shows the values for fields:

Field Value
Name Same Day Per Diem Combination Expense Policy
Severity Invalid
Notification Interactive
Fire on Itemization Left blank
Fire Scope Every time
Offline and Online Firing Options Fire Offline and Online
Status Active
Fire On Update ER Line Item

Same day per diem combination expense strings

This table shows the values for strings:

Strings Value
Description Ensure that certain combinations of expense types cannot be submitted on the same day.
Interactive Message <interactive message>.
Policy Expense reports with a combination of expense types cannot be submitted on the same day.
Report Message A listed expense type occurred on the same day within a document.

Same day per diem combination expense parameters

This table shows the values for parameters:

Parameter Value
Base Expense Type Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Per Diem Expense Type Meals and Incidental PerDiem:Dom

Same day per diem combination expense applications

This table shows the values for applications:

Name Organization/Group
Government Group
German Group