Printing and bar code application parameters

This table shows the printing and bar code application parameters that can be configured and implemented using Infor SAT.

Parameter Name Description (parm_id = 3134015) Use this parameter to specify the print template for Payment Request linked documents.

The default value is checkRequest.jsp.

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connect.attachment.ts.printTemplate (parm_id = 3134016) Use this parameter to specify the print template for Timesheet linked documents.

The default value is ts-allTabsDetail.jsp.

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imagetag.appsEnabledForViewReceipt (parm_id = 3131985) Use this parameter to specify the applications that are enabled for image tag.

The default values are 100,999102200.

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imagetag.barcodeSettings (parm_id = 3130608) Use this parameter to set the barcode settings to fit the cover sheet.

The default value is


Is Customer Editable



Use this parameter to manage the email address that displays on a cover sheet print template when the ImageTag integration is enabled. Is Customer Editable
imagetag.enabled (parm_id = 3130636) Use this parameter to indicate if ImageTag integration is enabled.

The default value is true.

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Some customers use imaging products besides ImageTag. In those cases, we have to turn on imagetag.enabled, but that displays a kwiktag logo and text at the bottom of the er-coversheet.jsp and so on.

A separate parameter, print.display.imageTagLogo, is now available for hiding the powered-by information for kwiktag throughout the application.

imagetag.faxNumber (parm_id = 3127141) Use this parameter to specify the fax number of the ImageTag where expense report receipts need to be faxed.

The default value is a designated number

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imagetag.fineModeReminder (parm_id = 3130607) Use this parameter to set the string that reminds users to set the fax machine to fine mode before sending the documents.

The default value is Remember to set your fax machine to fine mode before sending your document(s).

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imagetag.instruction (parm_id = 3129608) Use this parameter to set the instruction text that you want to display on a cover sheet print template when ImageTag integration is enabled.

No dependencies

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Use this parameter to set the email instruction text that you want to display on a cover sheet print template when ImageTag integration is enabled.

No dependencies

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imagetag.noFaxNumber.message (parm_id = 3134191) This parameter specifies the fax numbers of ImageTag where expense report receipts need to be faxed. It can have a single fax number or a comma delimited set of country code and fax number pairs. For example, 840:602-282-3313,124:111-222-3333.

If the fax number is not found, you can use this parameter to create a message that displays on the ER coversheet. The default value is Fax number not found. Please contact your System Administrator.

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This parameter was created to address the following issue:

On the ER Coversheet the system prints the fax number, for which the ER owner needs to fax the receipts. This fax number and accompanying messages are configurable. Usually multinational organizations use separate fax numbers and receipt receiving procedures depending upon region or country. For those multinational customers (who use ImageTag for imaging), this parameter based fax message and number combination does not work as there can only be one parameter to address the numbers in the database.

imagetag.weblinksID (parm_id = 3130637) Use this parameter to specify the ImageTag Weblinks UID.

The default value is 3127700.

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imagetag.barcodeSettings(parm_id=3130608) Use this parameter to specify the barcode settings to fit the cover sheet.

The default value is &WIDTH=660&HEIGHT=150&CODE_TYPE=CODE_39.

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imagetag.custom.instruction(parm_id=3159267) Use this parameter to specify the custom instruction text you want to appear in a cover sheet print template.


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print.coversheet.instruction (parm_id = 3130651) Use this parameter to set the instruction text that you want to appear in a cover sheet print template.

The default value is Attach this cover sheet to your receipts.

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print.display.approvalSignature (parm_id = 3136083) Use this parameter to display the electronic signature during document approval. If set to true, display the electronic signature during document approval; otherwise hide it.

The default value is true.

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A minor enhancement for the approval page has been implemented so that the user name and password fields can be enabled or disabled by an application parameter. This means that PSO does not need to customize the JSP for SSO email approval.

print.display.barcode (parm_id = 3129469) Use this parameter to turn off the display of barcode in document print templates. If this parameter is set to false the barcode will be removed from all print templates.

No dependencies

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print.display.coversheet.barcode (parm_id = 3129606) Use this parameter to display a barcode on coversheets. Set to false to disable the display of barcode images for cover sheets.

No dependencies

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print.display.expenseDetailsAdditionalColumn (parm_id = 3134204) BOb Element mentioned here will be displayed as a column in the expense detail grid. To disable this column in the jsp page, provide the value null.

If set to true, Has Receipt is automatically checked when a credit card transaction is attached to an ER line item.

The default value is null

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print.display.financialOverview (parm_id = 3134171) Send comma separated values to display on ER summary screen.
  • total_exp = Total Expenses
  • personal_exp = Personal Expenses
  • business_exp = Business Expenses
  • unauthorized_exp = Unauthorized Expenses
  • authorized_exp = Authorized Expenses
  • company_paid_exp = Company Paid Expenses
  • company_pays_to_corp_card = Company pays to Corporate Charge card
  • reduction_to_amount_owed_company = Reduction to Employee Amount Owed Company
  • cash_adv = Cash Advances
  • amount_due_company_from_ER = Amount Due Company from this Expense Report
  • amount_due_employee = Amount Due Employee
  • employee_pays_to_corp_card = Employee pays to corporate charge cards
  • employee_pay_to_company = Employee payments made to company

The default value is total_exp,personal_exp,authorized_exp,company_paid_exp,cash_adv

No dependencies

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print.display.imageTagLogo (parm_id = 3132849) Set this parameter to false to disable the display of the ImageTag Logo and the text for all document coversheets.

The default value is true.

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print.display.item.notesexceptions (parm_id = 3129607) Use this parameter to control how notes and exceptions are printed. Valid values are:
  • inline: Prints notes and exceptions in the items table below each item
  • separate: Prints notes and exceptions in a separate table at the end of the template
  • both

For email approvals that require approval or rejection of exceptions a separate table is always printed.

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print.display.onlyHasReceiptsLI (parm_id = 3134196) If set to true, displays on the ER coversheet only those line items that have receipts.

The default value is false.

No dependencies

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print.display.printButtons (parm_id =3146239) If this parameter is set to false, the print button in the document print template is disabled.

The default is true

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print.display.information (parm_id =3146848) If this parameter is set to false, the Information link in email approval is disabled.

The default is true

Is Customer Editable (parm_id = 3134170) Use this parameter to establish a comma-delimited set of element names by which ER Itemization Line Items will be sorted on the print coversheet and details section.

No dependencies

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Default Value is date,expenseType (parm_id = 3134169) Use this parameter to establish a comma-delimited set of element names by which ER Line Items will be sorted on the print coversheet and details section.

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

Default Value is date,expenseType

print.hide.emptySections (parm_id = 3134203) If value is given true then it will hide section on print screen that has no data to display.

The default value is false

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable (parm_id = 3134217) Use this parameter to establish a comma-delimited set of element names by which PR Line Items will be sorted on the print coversheet and details section.

No dependencies

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Default Value is checkRequestType (parm_id = 3134216) Use this parameter to establish a comma-delimited set of element names by which TP Line Items will be sorted on the print coversheet and details section.

No dependencies

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Default Value is fromDate

print.ts.AttendanceLineItem.SortOrder (parm_id = 3134219) Use this parameter to establish a comma-delimited set of element names by which TS Attendance Line Items will be sorted on the print coversheet and details section.

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

Default Value is attendanceDate

print.ts.LineItem.SortOrder (parm_id = 3134218) Use this parameter to establish a comma-delimited set of element names by which TS Line Items will be sorted on the print coversheet and details section.

No dependencies

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Default Value is date

resourcebundle.override (parm_id = 3130686) Use this parameter to set the string to remind users to set the fax machine to fine mode before sending the documents.

The default value is Remember to set your fax machine to fine mode before sending your document.

Is Customer Editable

print.display.qrcode (parm_id = 3150000) Set to false to disable the display of the QR image for all document print templates. Default value is true.
print.display.coversheet.qrcode (parm_id = 3151671) Set to false to disable the display of the QR image for COVERSHEET print template. Default value is false.
print.display.auditLog(parm_id=3141391) If the value of this parameter is set to true, the audit log section is displayed the on the print templates.

The default value is True.

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print.display.chargecode.hideApproveAndRejectButton(parm_id=3158168) Set the value of this parameter to true to hide the Approve and Reject radio buttons on charge code review form.

The default value is False.

Is customer editable.

print.display.expenseDetailsAdditionalColumn1(parm_id=3156805) Use this parameter to specify the Bob Element that must be displayed as a column in the expense detail grid. To disable this cloumn in the jsp page, provide the value null. Deprecated, replaced by GCE

The default value is null.

Is customer editable.

print.display.expenseDetailsAdditionalColumn2(parm_id=3156806) Use this parameter to specify the Bob Element that must be displayed as a column in the expense detail grid. To disable this cloumn in the jsp page, provide the value null. Deprecated, replaced by GCE configuration.

The default value is 0.

Is customer editable.

print.display.extnAttachments(parm_id=3157406) Use this parameter to assign one of these values:
  • 0: Display ER TP Comparison on the print templates.
  • 1: Display Expense Reports associated with TP Request and TP Reconciliation on the print templates

The default value is 0

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print.display.printButtonsinCoverSheet(parm_id=3159274) Set the value of this parameter to false to disable the print button in coversheet print template.

The default value is True.

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print.display.wordBreak(parm_id=3157300) Use this parameter to specify the word-break of print template. If set to "break-all",the print template breaks the words that are too long for the column.

The default value is Normal.

Is customer editable.

print.forceAcknowledgeException(parm_id=3156873) Set the value of the parameter to true for the reviewer to acknowledge an exception before approving or rejecting it.

The default value is True.

Is customer editable. Use this parameter to control the display of attachments:
  • 1 : Display documents attached to this TP
  • 2 : Display expenses added to the tp as attachment
  • 3: Display both

The default value is 1.

Is customer editable.

print.ts.useCalendarInEmailApproval(parm_id= If the value of the parameter is set to true, calendar view is used in the Timesheet Approval print template.

The default value is False.

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