User interface application parameters

This table shows the user interface application parameters that can be configured and implemented using Infor SAT.

Parameter Name Description
allocation.showCostCenterAddButton (parm_id = 3134166) Use this parameter to display the cost center add button on the HTML allocation screen. This parameter (when turned on) enables the system to allow free text entry for cost centers.

The default value is false.

Dependencies: Validate Project Code or Cost Center business rule.

Is Not Customer Editable

allocation.showCostCenterChooserButton (parm_id = 3134165) Use this parameter to determine whether to show the cost center selection button on the HTML allocation screen.

The default value is true.

Is Not Customer Editable

allocation.showProjectNumberAddButton (parm_id = 3134168) Use this parameter to display the project codes add button on the HTML allocation screen. This parameter (when turned on) enables the system to allow free text entry for project codes.

The default value is false.

Dependencies: Validate Project Code or Cost Center business rule.

Is Not Customer Editable

allocation.showProjectNumberChooserButton (parm_id = 3134167) Use this parameter to determine whether to show the project number selection button on the HTML allocation screen.

The default value is true.

Is Not Customer Editable

allocation.showSetProjectDefault (parm_id = 3137251) Use this parameter to display the Set Default Project link on the Allocations screen.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

CCChooserConfigOverrideIndiv (parm_id = 78131) Determines whether the application parameter ConsultingCCChooser setting overrides each individual’s Chooser button setting.

The default is true.

This parameter affects the ConsultingCCChooser application parameter.

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connect.userprofile.displayChangePassword (parm_id = 3134022) Use this parameter to enable the display of the change password link in the user profile portlet. Valid values are true or false.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

ConsultingCCChooser (parm_id = 78130) This parameter determines which User Interface is applicable. Valid values are:
  • true: PSO UI version is used (default)
  • false: PSO UI version is not used

This application parameter is dependent on the CCChooserConfigOverrideIndiv parameter.

Is Customer Editable

chooser.autoSelectLevelsWithOneItem (parm_id = 3136151) Use this parameter to determine whether the HTML chooser should auto-select levels that contain only one item. This parameter can be prefixed to make it chooser-type-specific. For example, project.chooser.autoSelectLevelsWithOneItem.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

chooser.maxSize (parm_id = 3136086) Use this parameter to determine The max search result size for HTML choosers. This parameter can be prefixed to make it chooser-type specific. For example, project.chooser.maxSize.

The default value is 200.

Is Customer Editable

chooser.searchEnabled (parm_id = 3136084) Use this parameter to determine if the HTML selection search panes are displayed. This parameter can be prefixed to make it chooser-type-specific. For example, project.chooser.searchEnabled.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

chooser.showManageMruTab (parm_id = 3144314) use this parameter to specify whether HTML choosers display the Manage MRU tab. This parameter can be prefixed to make it chooser-type specific. For example, project.chooser.showManageMruTab.

The default value is true.

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chooser.wildcardSearch (parm_id = 3136085) Use this parameter to determine if the HTML chooser search fields should automatically append the wildcard * character. This parameter can be prefixed to make it chooser-type-specific. For example, project.chooser.wildcardSearch.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

costcenter.chooser.searchEnabled (parm_id = 3132847) This app parameter was changed to the chooser.searchEnabled parameter.
costcenter.chooser.showHierarchyTab (parm_id = 3143065) Use this parameter to specify whether the HTML cost center chooser displays the Hierarchy tab. This parameter is no applicable if the value for costcenter.flatDesign is true.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

costcenter.chooser.showSearchTab (parm_id = 3143067) Use this parameter to specify whether the HTML cost center chooser displays the Search tab.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

DocFilter.DisplayAuditIndicator (parm_id = 78123) In the Work Item Filter screen there is an ability to filter by Audit Status of the WorkItem.

This parameter controls the switch that determines if the filter for Audit Status is visible on the Work Item Filter screen.

The default value is false.

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

DocFilter.DisplayReceiptStatus (parm_id = 78124) This parameter controls the switch that determines if the filter for expense reports Receipt Status is visible on the Work Item Filter screen.

The default setting is false and sets that filter to invisible.

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

Location.allowCALocationInsert (parm_id = 3134002) Use this parameter to configure the display of the HTML client location insert tabs such as US, Canada and Others. Each tab can be hidden or shown by setting one of these parameters to true or false:
  • Location.allowUSLocationInsert
  • Location.allowCALocationInsert
  • Location.allowOtherLocationInsert

The default is to show all the tabs. The server must be restarted for the change to take effect.

The default value is true.

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Location.showPostalCode (parm_id = 3135828) Use this parameter to configure the display of location. Each component can be hidden or shown by setting one of these parameters to true or false:
  • Location.showCountry
  • Location.showState
  • Location.showCounty
  • Location.showCity
  • Location.showPostalCode
  • Location.showSuburb
  • Location.showStreet
The default is to show city, state and country. The server must be restarted for the change to take effect.

The default value is false.

Is Customer Editable

Location.showState (parm_id = 3132235) Use this parameter to configure the display of location. Each component can be hidden or shown by setting one of these parameters to true or false:
  • Location.showCountry
  • Location.showState
  • Location.showCounty
  • Location.showCity
  • Location.showPostalCode
  • Location.showSuburb
  • Location.showStreet
The default is to show city, state and country. The server must be restarted for the change to take effect.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

Location.showStreet (parm_id = 3135827) Use this parameter to configure the display of street. Each component can be hidden or shown by setting one of these parameters to true or false:
  • Location.showCountry
  • Location.showState
  • Location.showCounty
  • Location.showCity
  • Location.showPostalCode
  • Location.showSuburb
  • Location.showStreet
The default is to show city, state and country. The server must be restarted for the change to take effect.

The default value is false.

Is Customer Editable

Location.showSuburb (parm_id = 3135826 ) Use this parameter to configure the display of location. Each component can be hidden or shown by setting one of these parameters to true or false:
  • Location.showCountry
  • Location.showState
  • Location.showCounty
  • Location.showCity
  • Location.showPostalCode
  • Location.showSuburb
  • Location.showStreet
The default is to show city, state and country. The server must be restarted for the change to take effect.

The default value is false.

Is Customer Editable

project.chooser.clientMaxSize (parm_id = 3134202) Use this parameter to control the max search result size for the project chooser client sub-search.

The default value is 100.

Is Customer Editable

project.chooser.showHierarchyTab (parm_id = 3143066) Use this parameter to specify whether the HTML project chooser displays the Hierarchy tab.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

project.chooser.showSearchTab (parm_id = 3143068) Use this parameter to specify whether the HTML project chooser displays the Search tab.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

project.dropdown.descriptionElement (parm_id = 3137988) The project element to display under the project field.

The default value is projNumDescr.

Is Customer Editable

project.dropdown.lookupDelay (parm_id = 3140898) Use this parameter to specify the delay in decimal seconds after the user stops typing before a look-up is triggered for the project input suggest control.

The default value is 0.4.

Is Customer Editable

project.dropdown.maxSuggestedItems (parm_id = 3140884) Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of items to display in the drop-down list of the project input suggest control. It is recommended that you set this value equal to the value of 80000.maxMRUSize.

The default value is 10.

Is Customer Editable

project.dropdown.minChars (parm_id = 3140885) Use this parameter to specify the minimum number of characters the user needs to type before a look-up is triggered for the project input suggest control.

The default value is 1.

Is Customer Editable

project.dropdown.size (parm_id = 3140883) Use this parameter to specify the size in characters of the project input suggest control. This is used as the size attribute of the HTML INPUT tag.

The default value is 20.

Is Customer Editable

proxy.chooser.inClause.maxSize (parm_id = 3137451) Use this parameter to set the maximum number of expressions allowed in a proxy chooser SQL in clause.

The default value is 200

Is Customer Editable

proxy.startLayoutOption (parm_id = 3049037) Use this parameter to indicate whether the start proxy'dialog will have (0) a text field and chooser button for choosing/typing the proxy login or (1) a combobox with all valid proxy logins pre-populated for easy selection.

The default value is 0.

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

RequiredFieldColor (parm_id = 780405) This parameter determines the color for required fields. The value for this is the integer equivalent of RGB in hexadecimal. For example, red would be FF0000, green would be 00FF00, and blue would be 0000FF.

The default value is red (decimal 16711680).

No dependencies

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RequiredFieldMarker (parm_id = 780406) This parameter determines the character to be used for the indicator of the required field. If no marker should be used, set the value to blank.

No dependencies

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ui.enableToolTips (parm_id = 3060891) This parameter allows you to turn off all tool tips in the system. This is only meant for internal use. For example, if you are taking screen shots and you want to suppress tool tips.

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

ui.openOptionalInfoToggleByDefault (parm_id = 3135722) Use this parameter to determine whether to open the optional information toggle pane by default in HTML.

The default value is false.

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

ui.showMessageSummary (parm_id = 3141261) Use this parameter to determine whether to display summary messages.

The default value is false

Is Customer Editable

ui.openLineItemAllocationToggleByDefault(parm_id=3141274) Use this parameter to specify whether to open the line item allocation toggle panel by default in HTML.

The default value is False.

Is customer editable

ui.openLineItemAttachmentToggleByDefault(parm_id=3141276) Use this parameter to specify whether to open the line item attachment toggle panel by default in HTML.

The default value is True.

Is customer editable

ui.openLineItemAuditLogToggleByDefault(parm_id=3141288) Use this parameter to specify whether to open the line item audit log toggle panel by default in HTML.

The default value is True.

Is customer editable

ui.openLineItemGuestToggleByDefault(parm_id=3146850) Use this parameter to specify whether to open the line item guest toggle panel by default in HTML.

The default value is True.

Is customer editable

ui.openLineItemNoteToggleByDefault(parm_id=3141275) Use this parameter to specify whether to open the line item note toggle panel by default in HTML.

The default value is True.

Is customer editable

WFScreen.displayReceiptStatusPers (parm_id = 3021509) This parameter determines whether the receipt status of the ER is shown on the Workflow screen Personal Queue. Valid values are:
  • true: The Receipt Status is shown
  • false: The Receipt Status is not shown (default)

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable

WFScreen.displayReceiptStatusReview (parm_id = 3021510) This parameter determines if the Receipt Status of expense reports is displayed on the Review Queue tab. Valid values are:
  • true: The status is displayed
  • false: The status is not displayed (default)

No dependencies

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