Per diem application parameters

This table shows the per diem application parameters that can be configured and implemented using Infor SAT.

Parameter Name Description
PerDiem.allowNegativePerdiem (parm_id = 3135274) If true, a per diem calculation that results in a negative amount is not set to zero; it retains its negative amount.

The default value is false.

Is Customer Editable

PerDiem.ConusDefaultIncidentalAmt (parm_id = 3032838) This parameter sets the default amount for incidentals in the CONUS table, in dollars. This parameter is used by the per diem import process. Most CONUS per diem amounts, such as maxLodgingAmt, nonGovtMealsAmt, are supplied in a location-specific manner and vary from one location to another. The incidental amount is supplied in a location-independent manner. The incidental amount is stored in this application parameter and is used to load the CONUS table every time the per diem import process runs. This parameter should typically be changed only if the CONUS incidental amount is changed by the US government.

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

PerDiem.displayPerdiemWithOverage (parm_id = 3133653) If this parameter is set to true, per diems are displayed with overages on the overage tab.

The default value is true.

Is Customer Editable

PerDiem.enabled (parm_id = 780476) This parameter determines whether the per diem module is enabled. Valid values are:
  • true: The per diem module is enabled. Per Diems will work only if this is true and a valid license has been purchased.
  • false: Per diems are disabled. They will not work even if a valid license has been purchased.

The per diem module needs some more setup information such as per diem definition, expense types, business rules, and so on.

No dependencies

Is Customer Editable (parm_id=3139200) This parameter specifies the name of the group that uses the Conus Per Diem information. The default value is @@DB_GROUP_NAME_43 (Corp: Default). Is Customer Editable (parm_id=3139201) This parameter specifies the name of the group that uses the Oconus Per Diem information. The default value is @@DB_GROUP_NAME_43 (Corp: Default) Is Customer Editable (parm_id=3139202) This parameter specifies the location of the group that uses the Conus Per Diem information. The value is @@DB_GROUP_NAME_43. (Corp: Default) Is Customer Editable (parm_id=3139203) This parameter specifies the location of the group that uses the Oconus Per Diem information. The value is @@DB_GROUP_NAME_43. (Corp: Default) Is Customer Editable
PerDiem.httpImporter.url (parm_id = 3032834) This parameter specifies the URL from which the per diem data is obtained. The parameter includes the URL for the Conus per diem and the URL for the Oconus per diem. Is Not Customer Editable
PerDiem.ImportDelimiter (parm_id = 3032834) This parameter sets the default delimiter used for import classes that do not specify a delimiter. Currently not in use because all import classes specify a delimiter as a semicolon.

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

PerDiem.ImportDir (parm_id = 3032833) For releases prior to Release 8.0, this parameter specifies the directory on the Expense Management server that contains the countryMap.txt file.

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Is Not Customer Editable

For Release 8.0 and later, do not use this parameter. Instead, use the PerDiem.httpImporter.url parameter.

PerDiem.includeUnderage (parm_id = 3133651) If this parameter is set to true, the overage records are written regardless of whether the actual expense exceeds the per diem rate. Although these underage records are not visible in the UI, they can be used in custom code to balance overage and underage over an entire expense report.

The default value is false.

Is Not Customer Editable

PerDiem.showDeductions (parm_id = 3131840) This parameter is used to control the visibility of the deductions column on the line item grid of ER Create, accounting pane and summary pane. If this parameter is not specified, the default is true. This works only if per diem is enabled.

The default value is true. If it is false, the PD Deduction column is hidden in all views.

Dependent on the PerDiem.enabled application parameter.

Is Customer Editable

PerDiem.TAX.ImportClass (parm_id = 3032836) This parameter is used to import location tax data. It reads the input file.

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

PerDiem.timeAtLocationInterval (parm_id = 3135201) This parameter defines the resolution when rounding the start and end time before calculating the duration used for per diem.

You can set this value to hour, half-hour or a number of minutes between 1 and 60 inclusive. For example, if set to 1, the start and end time are not rounded because they are only accurate to the minute. If set to 5, the start and end time are rounded to the nearest 5-minute interval before the subtraction is done; if set to half-hour, the start and end time are rounded to the nearest 30 minutes, and so on.

This value also controls the items of the Time at Location combo box. For example, setting this parameter to hour creates 24 items in the combo box: 1-24. Setting this parameter to half-hour creates 48 items: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and so on. See PerDiem.timeAtLocationRounding on how the rounding is controlled. See also PerDiem.totalTimeInterval. The default value is hour.

Dependent on the PerDiem.enabled application parameter.

Is Customer Editable

PerDiem.timeAtLocationRounding (parm_id = 3135273) This parameter specifies how the start and end times that are not exact increments of PerDiem.timeAtLocationInterval are rounded. Can be any of the Java rounding modes:
  • UP
  • DOWN

For example, if PerDiem.timeAtLocationInterval=hour and a per diem is created with a start time of 8:00 AM and an end time of 4:30 PM, the end time is rounded to 4:00 PM for FLOOR, DOWN, HALF_DOWN and HALF_EVEN and to 5:00 PM for UP, CEILING AND HALF_UP. The default is UP.

Use this parameter to specify how times that are not exact increments of PerDiem.timeAtLocationInterval will be rounded. Can be any of the Java rounding modes: CEILING, FLOOR, UP, DOWN, HALF_UP, HALF_EVEN, or HALF_DOWN.

For example, if PerDiem.timeAtLocationInterval=hour and a per diem is created with a start time of 8:00 AM and an end time of 4:30 PM, the time used to look up a rate will be 8 hours for FLOOR, DOWN, HALF_DOWN and HALF_EVEN and 9 hours for UP, CEILING AND HALF_UP.

The default value is UP.

Dependent on the PerDiem.enabled application parameter.

Is Customer Editable

PerDiem.US.ImportClass (parm_id = 3032835) This parameter is used to import CONUS and OCONUS per diems, locations and deductions. It reads the Conusnm.txt, conus.locmap.txt, Connow.txt, oconusnm.txt, oconus.locmap.txt, oconus.txt, ConusDeduction.txt and OconusDeduction.txt input files.

The default value is largesoft.pagateway.importer.PerDiem.HttpPerDiemImporter

No dependencies

Is Not Customer Editable

PerDiem.httpImporter.url.conus(parm_id=3139204) Use this parameter to specify a comma separated list of the URL for the CONUS zip file followed by the name of the file within the zip to import.

The default value is,e_conusnm-12.txt

Is customer editable

PerDiem.httpImporter.url.oconus(parm_id=3140820) Use this parameter to specify a comma separated list of the URL for the CONUS zip file followed by the name of the file within the zip to import.

The default value is,oconusnm.txt

Is customer editable

PerDiem.ImportDelimiter(parm_id=3032834) Null

The default value is #

Is not customer editable

PerDiem.totalTimeInterval(parm_id=3138047) Use this parameter to define the resolution of the duration used for per diem. When the duration is calculated by subtracting the start time from the end time, the duration is rounded off according to the interval. The time can be 'hour', 'half-hour' or a number of minutes between 1 and 60 inclusive. For example, if set to 1, the duration is not rounded because the duration is only accurate to the minute. If set to 5, the duration is rounded to the nearest 5-minute interval before it is used to look up a per diem rate; if set to 'half-hour', the duration is rounded to the nearest 30 minutes and so on. See PerDiem.totalTimeRounding on how the rounding is controlled. See also PerDiem.timeAtLocationInterval. The default is 1.

The default value is 1

Is customer editable

PerDiem.totalTimeRounding(parm_id=3138048) Use this parameter to specify how the duration is rounded when the specified duration is not an exact increment of PerDiem.totalTimeInterval. Can be any of the Java rounding modes: CEILING, FLOOR, UP, DOWN, HALF_UP, HALF_EVEN or HALF_DOWN. For example, if PerDiem.totalTimeInterval=hour and a per diem is created with a start time of 8:00 AM and an end time of 4:30 PM, the time used to look up a rate will be 8 hours for FLOOR, DOWN, HALF_DOWN and HALF_EVEN and 9 hours for UP, CEILING AND HALF_UP. The default is UP.

The default value is UP

Is customer editable