Email application parameters
This table shows the email application parameters that can be configured and implemented using Infor SAT.
Parameter Name | Description |
emailApproval.server.url (parm_id = 3140555) | Use this parameter to specify the email approval handler. Is Customer Editable | | Use this parameter to set email approval target. If set to
_self, approval result will be generated in the same tab. The default value is docApprovalWindow. Is customer editable |
emailApprovalBkg.returnForMoreInfoActionNames(parm_id=3152703) | Use this parameter to specify the Return for more
information action text used in email body to reject a document, for
example,Return for more info. The default value is Return For More Info Is customer editable |
mail.admin (parm_id = 3082270) | Use this parameter to specify the Email
address of the system administrator. Data error notification is sent to this
email address when detecting data corruption for a timesheet document.
No dependencies Is Not Customer Editable | (parm_id = 3132334) | Use this parameter to specify the print
template for the Expense Report linked documents.
The default value is er.jsp Is Customer Editable | (parm_id = 3132336) | Use this parameter to specify the print
template for the Payment Request linked documents.
The default value is checkRequest.jsp. Is Customer Editable | (parm_id = 3132335) | Use this parameter to specify the print
template for the Travel Plan linked documents.
The default value is tp.jsp. Is Customer Editable |
mail.attachment.ts.printTemplate (parm_id = 3132337) | Use this parameter to specify the print
template for the Timesheet linked documents.
The default value is ts-allTabsDetail.jsp. Is Customer Editable |
mail.contentType (parm_id = 3141429) | Use this parameter to enable HTML email.
Valid values are:
The default value is text/plain; charset=utf-8. Is Customer Editable |
mail.deadFolderRetentionPeriod (parm_id = 3069450) | This parameter determines the number of days
to keep Dead folder email entries. After this retention period is exceeded, the
email and its related serialized files in this folder are deleted from the
alco_notification_store table.
The default value is 7 days. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.debug (parm_id = 780461) | Use this parameter to activate the debug
trace application parameter. When the parameter value is true, the notification
service generates debug traces in the appserver console. This parameter is
useful for troubleshooting problems. It should be set to false in production
systems. Valid values are:
No dependencies Is Not Customer Editable |
mail.defaultLocale (parm_id = 3137820) | If user's preferred locale is not set, this
one will be used. This is in the ISO Locale format en_US, zh_CN, and so on.
The default value is en_US English (United States). This depends upon mail.sendLocalized (please see above). Is Customer Editable |
mail.errorNoticeEmailOn (parm_id = 3075130) | This parameter enables you to turn on the
error email reporting via email notice. Values are false or true.
The default value is false. Is Not Customer Editable |
mail.errorNoticeEmailTitle (parm_id = 3075131) | Use this parameter to determine the title of
the predefined email notice to use for email error reporting when
mail.errorNoticeEmailOn has a value of true.
The default value is ERROR_EMAIL_NOTICE. Is Not Customer Editable |
mail.from (parm_id = 780463) | Use this parameter to determine the email
address of the sender for email notifications.
The default is the email address of the system administrator. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.homeDirectory (parm_id = 780458) | Use this parameter to determine the
directory path where the notification service stores failed emails. The emails
are retried later. This is a required parameter. The full path of the directory
is entered and must be valid for the operating system (Unix or Windows).
C:\Infor\AppServer\noticeStore for Windows;
/Infor/AppServer/noticeStore for Unix
The store contains three folders that store notifications:
The default value is .\\noticeStore. No dependencies Is Customer Editable | (parm_id = 780450) | Use this parameter to determine the host
name, or IP address, of the mail server that can accept emails from the
Expense Management
application server.
No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.installTestEmailAddress (parm_id = 3069454) | Use this parameter to determine the email
address that receives email notices when the mail.installTestMode parameter has
been set to true. All email notices are sent to this address regardless of the
recipient address list.
The default value is No dependencies Is Not Customer Editable |
mail.installTestMode (parm_id = 3069453) | When set to true, the notification system
sends all generated email notices to a predefined address , value of parameter
appl_parameters mail.installTestEmailAddress. The actual recipient addresses
are added to the message text. This flag is designed for testing email
notifications during installation. It should not be used for production
The default value is false. No dependencies Is Not Customer Editable |
mail.linkedDocumentAttachmentType (parm_id = 3132332) | Use this parameter to determine how to
handle document attachments.
The valid values are:
The default value is 1. Is Customer Editable |
mail.logMode (parm_id = 780460) | Use this parameter to determine the
notificationServerBkg log mode. Valid values are:
The default value is 3. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.logSize (parm_id = 780459) | Use this parameter to determine the maximum
size of the notification service log file (in kilobytes).
The default is 10MB. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.maxEmailAttachmentSize (parm_id = 3132333) | Use this parameter to establish the maximum
size limit (in Kilo Bytes, KBs) of the document attachments with the email.
Attachments will not be sent if they exceed this limit.
The default is 1000 KB. Is Customer Editable |
mail.maxGroupGeneratedAddresses (parm_id = 3069452) | Use this parameter to determine the maximum
number of email addresses generated from a user group for an email notice.
The default value is 25. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.maxRetryCount (parm_id = 780451) | Use this parameter to determine the number
of times that the notification service tries to re-send a failed email message.
Because the mail server was not available at the time of the first attempt.
The default value is 5. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.messageBatchCount (parm_id = 3129604) | Use this parameter to determine the number
of emails in a transmission batch.
The default value is 1. Is Customer Editable |
mail.messageCompletedDelete (parm_id = 3129713) | Use this parameter to remove Completed
messages from the notice store.
The default value is true. Is Customer Editable |
mail.messageDeliveryPause (parm_id = 3129605) | Use this parameter to determine the time in
seconds to pause between email batch transmissions.
The default value is 1. Is Customer Editable |
mail.msgRetentionPeriod (parm_id = 780453) | Use this parameter to determine the number
of days to keep a record of generated emails in the alco_notification_store
table. Emails older than this period are purged from the notification store.
Any related file attachments are also deleted.
The default value is 7 days. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.pendingFolderRetentionPeriod (parm_id = 3069451) | Use this parameter to determine the number
of days to keep Pending folder email entries. After this retention period the
email is deleted from alco_notification_store table and its related serialized
files are deleted.
The default value is 14 days. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.purgeRunFrequency (parm_id = 780464) | Use this parameter to determine how often
the notification store cleanup process is run, expressed in hours. Each time
this cleanup process runs, any notifications that have reached their maximum
retention period are purged from the notification store.
The default value is 24 hours. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.retryHoursWait (parm_id = 780452) | Use this parameter to determine the number
of hours that the notification service waits before re-sending a failed email
The default value is 8 hours. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.retryTimeInterval (parm_id = 780457) | Use this parameter to determine the number
of hours to wait between subsequent attempts to re-send an email after the
retryHoursWait period has elapsed.
The default value is 1 hour. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.sendLocalized (parm_id = 3137821) | Determines whether to send translated email
notifications. These will be sent using the users preferred e-mail locale, if
this not available it will use the default user mail locale (please see below)
The default value is false. No Dependencies Is Customer Editable | (parm_id = 780454) | Notification service parameter that is
currently not in use.
Must have a value of SMTP. No dependencies Is Customer Editable |
mail.transport.protocol (parm_id = 780455) | Use this parameter to determine the mail
protocol to use for email notifications.
Must have a value of ‘SMTP’ No dependencies Is Not Customer Editable |
multipleApprovalEmail.HeaderColumns | Use this application parameter to specify the columns that must be displayed in the notifications related to multiple approvals. The default columns are Document Type,Tracking Number,Total,Date,Owner. |
multipleApprovalEmail.HeaderText | Use this application parameter to specify the resource keys of the columns header that must be displayed in the notifications related to multiple approvals. The default resource keys are: @@SAT_MULTIPLE_APPROVALS_NEEDED_HEADER_TYPE,@@CMN_PORTAL_INBOX_DOCUMENT_ID_COL,@@CMN_PORTAL_INBOX_DOC_SPECIFIC_COL,@@CMN_PORTAL_INBOX_DATE_CREATED_COL,@@CMN_PORTAL_INBOX_OWNER_COL |
notification.1.e.addressHandler (parm_id = 3127368) | Use this parameter to extend the
notification system to handle vendor notification. See the
PSO Email Notification implementation guide for
description on the format of the parameter value.
The default value is largesoft.notification.VendorMessageCreator. Is Customer Editable |
notification.1.m.addressHandler (parm_id = 3132393) | Use this parameter to extend the
notification system to handle general doc reviewer notification, including
charge code reviewer notification, to generate multiple mime messages for a
The default value is largesoft.notification.ReviewerNoticeMessageCreator Is Customer Editable |
notification.1.o.addressHandler (parm_id = 3084441) | Use this parameter to specify the class used
to extend the notification system to handle general doc owner notification.
The default value is largesoft.notification.OwnerNoticeMessageCreator. Is Customer Editable |
notification.1.w.addressHandler (parm_id = 3126214) | Use this parameter to specify the class that
extends the notification system to handle the proxy reviewer notification to
generate multiple mime messages for a notice. Because the proxyFor flag in the
email is different for each proxy reviewer recipient.
The default values: largesoft.notification.ProxyNoticeMessageCreator No dependencies Is Not Customer Editable |
notification.attachEmailApprovalAsLink (parm_id = 3141341) | Use this parameter to specify whether to
create a link to a document such as an expense report in an approval email
instead of attaching the document to the email.
If true when the approver clicks on the link, the document is displayed in a browser. The approver can then approve or reject the document. The notification system generates this link for any print template with the name withEmailApproval. The default value is false. Is Customer Editable |
notification.skipWeekendsInDelayTriggers (parm_id = 3144831) | Use this parameter to skip weekends in
notification delay triggers.
The default value is false Is Not Customer Editable |
print.display.emailapproval.images (parm_id = 3129470) | Use this parameter to remove images for
email templates. If this parameter is set to false all email approvals will
have their images removed. Since a barcode is an image, the barcode will be
removed also.
The default value is true. Dependent on the mobile_launch_url application parameter Is Customer Editable |
webstart_server_url (parm_id = 3049782) | Use this parameter to determine the URL of
the Expense Management webstart client servlet. For
example, http://localhost:8080/Infor Expense Managementclient. At present, this
is used by the email notification system to send emails containing links for
launching Infor Expense Management applications. No dependencies Is Not Customer Editable |