Lyft integration parameters

This table lists the application parameters for the Lyft integration that can be configured and implemented using Infor SAT.

Parameter name Description
lyft.mailhost(parm_id=3157554) Use this parameter to specify the Expense Management mail server for Lyft.

The default value is locathost.

Is customer editable.

lyft.mailport(parm_id=3157556) Use this parameter to specify the Expense Management mail server port for Lyft.

The default value is 110

Is customer editable.

lyft.mail.receivingProtocol(parm_id=3157555) Use this parameter to specify the retrieval mail protocol for Lyft. For example, pop3, imap

The default value is pop3.

Is customer editable.

lyft.mailpassword(parm_id=3157558) Use this parameter to specify the password for Lyft Expense Management mail account.

The default value is ppp.

Is customer editable.

lyft.mailuser(parm_id=3157557) Use this parameter to specify the User name for Lyft Expense Management mail account.

The default value is lyftReceipts.

Is customer editable.

lyft.recipientEmailDomain(parm_id=3157559) Use this parameter to specify the email domain for recipient. For example,

The default value is

Is customer editable.

OAuth2 parameters for Lyft These application parameters are required when using OAuth2 to access mail server in LyftEmailBkg
  • lyft.mail.clientId (parm_id=3163226): Client identifer
  • lyft.mail.clientSecret (parm_id= 3163227): Client secret
  • lyft.mail.grantType (parm_id=3163229): Grant type. Default:client_credentials
  • lyft.mail.scope (parm_id=3163228): Scope. For example,
  • lyft.mail.tokenEndpoint (parm_id=3163230): Token endpoint