Handle per diem overage

The PerdiemHandleOverage background process compares actual expenses with per diems. If the actual expenses are greater than the allowable per diem it places an allocation on the line item that is equal to the overage amount.

Bkg Proc Name Parameter Value Optional Description
PerdiemHandleOverage Perdiem.OverageAlloc No Specifies the cost center or project ID account to which the per diem overage amount is assigned. The default value is CostCenter/ProjectId and is set by PSO.
Perdiem.OverageCostCenter true, false No Boolean value that specifies if the value of Perdiem.OverageAlloc is a cost center or a project ID. Valid values are:
  • True: If it is a cost center, otherwise it is project ID.
  • False: If it is project ID, otherwise it is cost center.
The default depends on the perdiem.overagealloc value.
Perdiem.CreateAllocations true, false No Boolean value that specifies if the background process should add child allocations to each line item with overage. Valid values are:
  • True: Add the allocation
  • False: Do not add the allocation