Delinquent submission notification
DlnqntSubmitNotifier notifies a user when a timesheet of the previous reporting period has not been submitted, or even created within a certain grace period. A timesheet is not considered submitted if its submitted date is null, or if the user has not created a timesheet. The submitted date is set up by the business rule Submit TS Timestamp Policy. DlnqntSubmitNotifier:
- Checks to ensure that users have submitted a timesheet.
Runs on a schedule that the customer can determine.
This background process is limited to users who have the proper user attributes set up, permissions to access Infor XM TS, and create timesheets. For example, users with IDs specified in the user_group_id column of the alwf_process_permission table, or who are in the group specified in the user_group_id_column of the alwf_process_permission table
Bkg Proc Name | Parameters | Value | Optional | Description |
DlnqntSubmitNotifi er | submit_expiration_time_unit | Integer | No | Unit chosen:
DlnqntSubmitNotifi er | alts_report_period.submission_c utoff | Integer | Yes | The submission cut off of the report period. |
alts_report_period.payroll_cutoff | Integer | Yes | The payroll cut off of the report period. | |
alts_timesheet_profile.submit_e very_period | Integer | Yes | Whether the timesheet should be submitted for each report period. | |
ts.DelinquentSubmitEmailGroup | String | Yes | The email alias who is also being cc'ed with the delinquent email. |
If the timesheet has not been submitted passed the submission cut off and before the payroll cut off specified in the user’s timesheet profile, then the email will be sent. The email notification is sent to the user who is set up to need to submit every report period The email is also sent CC to the alias specified by the application parameter ts.DelinquentSubmitEmailGroup.