Auto approve check

The AutoApproveCheck background process checks if the authorized amount in an expense report is less than or equal to the amount approved in the associated travel plan, plus a percentage specified by the AutoApproveERPercentage parameter. If it is, the expense report is automatically approved. The activities that the work item can be routed to in either case are configurable by PSO.

If there is:

• An attached travel plan, this process moves an expense report to a specified activity. for example, Accounting Review, if the authorized amount for an expense report is less than or equal to the amount approved in the associated travel plan plus a percentage.

• an attached travel plan, this process moves an expense report to a specified activity, for example, Manager Review, if the authorized amount for an expense report is greater than the amount approved in the associated travel plan plus a percentage.


See the Workflow section under Check Travel Expenses for more information on workflow.

Bkg Proc Name Parameter Value Optional Description
AutoApproveChec k AutoApproveERPerc entage Float No Defines the percentage by which the amount of an expense report can exceed the amount authorized in a travel plan and be automatically approved.
AutoApproveERYes Transition Integer No Defines the activity transition to use (work_item_status) if an expense report can be automatically approved. For example, if the total expenses in the expense reports are lower than the amount authorized in the associated travel plan plus the percentage specified by the AutoApproveERPercentage.
AutoApproveERNoTr ansition Integer No Defines the activity transition to use (work_item_status) if an expense report cannot be automatically approved. For example, if the total expenses in the expense reports are greater than the amount authorized in the associated travel plan plus the percentage specified by the AutoApproveERPercentage, or if there is no associated travel plan.
TPApprovedActivity Integer No Defines the activity a travel plan must be in to be considered approved.