Version 10.2.0

These tables are modified in Infor Expense Management 10.2.0. The new columns and the modified columns are highlighted. the deleted columns are greyed out.

CREATE TABLE aler_export_external_data (
export_er_hdr_id int NOT NULL,
er_paid_on datetime NULL,
er_amt_paid numeric(20, 10) NULL,
er_payment_number nvarchar(255) NULL,
corp_charge_date datetime NULL,
corp_charge_amt_paid numeric(20, 10) NULL,
update_status int NULL


CREATE TABLE alex_invoice_payment (
export_invoice_hdr_id int NOT NULL,
paid_amount numeric(20, 10) NULL,
paid_date datetime NULL,
payment_number nvarchar(255) NULL,
voucher_number nvarchar(255) NULL,
update_status int NULL
