Adding charge code level

To add charge code level:

  1. Click the Data tab.
  2. Select Charge Code Level and click Show Tab. The Charge Code Level screen is displayed.
  3. Click New. The Search for Charge Code Level / New Charge Code Level screen is displayed.
  4. Specify this information in the Primary Information panel:
    Indicates whether the level is a cost center or project.
    The order in which the levels are displayed in the chooser hierarchy.
    Level Name
    The level's display name.
    BOb Type
    The charge code level configuration BOb id of the corresponding BOb type in the Infor XM application.
    Name Element
    The element which contains the data type's display name.
    Code Element
    The element which contains the data type's display code.
    Parent Element
    The element which contains the data type's parent UID.
    The delimiter used to link together the level display elements.
  5. Click Save to add a charge code level and save the data.