Attaching a Credit Card

When the Credit Card Import tool locates a credit card account in a data file, the card data and the transactions are imported, but the card is not attached to the user in the database.

  1. Click the Users tab.
  2. Select Credit Card and click Show Tab. The Credit Card screen is displayed.
  3. Click New. The New Credit Card screen is displayed.
  4. Specify this information in the Primary Information section:
    The name of the user.
    The name of the credit card issuer.
    Card Number
    The credit card number.
    Note:  For security reasons you cannot search by card number. Only the last 4 digits are displayed if the cc.maskAccountNumber application parameter is set to true.
    Expiration Date
    The date on which the credit card is expired.
    Note:  Transactions cannot be attached to the documents if the credit card is expired.
    Is Personal
    Indicates whether the card is a personal credit card. Personal credit card transactions can be manually imported by the user, whereas company-issued credit card transactions enter the system through an external feed.
    Payment Type
    The mode of the payment.
    The status of the credit card. The status can be Active or Inactive.
    External Key
    A unique external ID for the credit card.
  5. Specify this information Additional Information section:
    Name Line1
    The user's name as reported by the credit card processor.
    Name Line 2
    The user's name as reported by the credit card processor, if required.
    Address Line 1
    The user's address as reported by the credit card processor.
    Address Line 2
    The user's address as reported by the credit card processor, if required.
    Limit Amount
    The credit card limit amount as reported by the credit card processor.
    Limit Currency
    The credit card limit currency as reported by the credit card processor.
    Company Paid
    Indicates whether the company pays the credit card bill.
  6. Click Save to attach the credit card information.