Configuring conversion attributes

You can configure the conversion attributes.

The conversion table attributes are:

  • key_translation_cols: Comma separated column number(s) that specifies the columns to be translated from resource keys to string.
  • key_decrypt_cols: Comma separated column number(s) that specifies the columns to be decrypted.
  • timezone_adjustment_cols: Comma separated column number(s) that specifies the columns to be adjusted to user preferred timezone.
  • skip_encode_fileoutput_cols: Comma separated column number(s) that specifies the columns which must not be encoded (Oracle and db-to-file mode only).

The default values for these attributes are defined in the header of each conversion table in the dbType_conversionMaps.xml file.

For example, conversion type="sql" name="EXPENSE_REPORT" key_translation_cols="3,36" timezone_adjustment_cols="5,9,27,28" doc_type="ER"

The values of these attributes can be modified:

  • by changing the values in dbType_conversionMaps.xml (or)
  • by adding/updating application parameters in the transactional database with this pattern: etl.TABLE_NAME.attribute_name
Note: The application parameters take precedence over the attributes specified in the dbType_conversionMaps.xml file (specified in option 1).

For example, etl.CREDIT_CARD.key_decrypt_cols