Column Source Data type Null Description
erio_export_id INT N A unique Bob ID to use as PK.
Export_er_line_id INT Y Currently not used.
Erio_export_expense_line_id aler_expense_line_item - exp_line_item_id INT Y FK reference to the corresponding expense line ID.
Erio_other_name aler_item_other - other_name VARCHAR (255) Y Name of the guest. (Associated with line item through alco_guest_ wrapper)
erio_other_title aler_item_other - other_title VARCHAR (255) Y Title of the guest. (Associated with line item through alco_guest_ wrapper)
erio_other_company aler_item_other - other_company VARCHAR (255) Y Company of the guest. (Associated with line item through alco_guest_ wrapper)
export_er_hdr_id aler_expense_export_ header - export_er_hdr_id INT Y Foreign key reference to the exported expense report
guest_ekey aler_expense_export_ header - user_ekey VARCHAR(255) Y Guest external key
external_flag alco_guest - external_flag SMALLINT Y The external flag
location_ekey alco_guest - location_id VARCHAR(255) Y The location ekey
external_id alco_guest - external_id VARCHAR(255) Y The external id.
User_id alco_guest - user_id INT Y The user id.
Street alco_guest - location_id VARCHAR(255) Y The location element.
Suburb alco_guest - location_id VARCHAR(255) Y The location element.
City alco_guest - location_id VARCHAR(255) Y The location element.
County alco_guest - location_id VARCHAR(255) Y The location element.
State alco_guest - location_id VARCHAR(255) Y The location element.
Country alco_guest - location_id VARCHAR(255) Y The location element.
Adc1 alco_guest - adc1 VARCHAR(255) Y The adc field.
Adc2 alco_guest - adc2 VARCHAR(255) Y The adc field.
Adc3 alco_guest - adc3 VARCHAR(255) Y The adc field.
Adc4 alco_guest - adc4 VARCHAR(255) Y The adc field.
Adc5 alco_guest - adc5 VARCHAR(255) Y The adc field.
Adc6 alco_guest - adc6 VARCHAR(255) Y The adc field.
Combo_adc1_ekey alco_guest - combo_adc1 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
Combo_adc1_value alco_guest - combo_adc1 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
Combo_adc2_ekey alco_guest - combo_adc2 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
Combo_adc2_value alco_guest - combo_adc2 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
Combo_adc3_ekey alco_guest - combo_adc3 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
Combo_adc3_value alco_guest - combo_adc3 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
Combo_adc4_ekey alco_guest - combo_adc4 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
Combo_adc4_value alco_guest - combo_adc4 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
Combo_adc5_ekey alco_guest - combo_adc5 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
Combo_adc5_value alco_guest - combo_adc5 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
Combo_adc6_ekey alco_guest - combo_adc6 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
Combo_adc6_value alco_guest - combo_adc6 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
Guest_type_name alco_guest_type - name VARCHAR(255) Y The name of guest type
primary_address_ekey alco_guest - primary_address_id VARCHAR(255) Y The guest's primary address ekey
primary_address_value alco_guest - primary_address_id VARCHAR(255) Y The guest's primary address name
occupation_ekey alco_occuption - occupation_id VARCHAR(255) Y The occupation ekey
occupation_value alco_occupation - name VARCHAR(255) Y The occupation display value
guest_wrapper_native_amount alco_guest_wrapper - native_amount NUMERIC(20, 10) Y The per-guest native amount
guestwrap_native_currency_ekey alco_guest_wrapper - native_amount_id VARCHAR(255) Y The per-guest native amount currency
guest_wrapper_paid_in_amount alco_guest_wrapper - paid_in_amount NUMBERIC(20, 10) Y The per-guest paid-in amount
guestwrap_paidin_currency_ekey alco_guest_wrapper - paid_in_amount_id VARCHAR(255) Y The per-guest paid-in amount currency
guest_wrapper_adc1 alco_guest_wrapper - adc1 VARCHAR(255) Y The text adc1
guest_wrapper_adc2 alco_guest_wrapper - adc2 VARCHAR(255) Y The text adc2
guest_wrapper_adc3 alco_guest_wrapper - adc3 VARCHAR(255) Y The text adc3
guest_wrapper_adc4 alco_guest_wrapper - adc4 VARCHAR(255) Y The text adc4
guest_wrapper_adc5 alco_guest_wrapper - adc5 VARCHAR(255) Y The text adc5
guest_wrapper_adc6 alco_guest_wrapper - adc6 VARCHAR(255) Y The text adc6
guest_wrapper_combo_adc1_ekey alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc1 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc1_value alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc1 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc2_ekey alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc2 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc2_value alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc2 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc3_ekey alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc3 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc3_value alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc3 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc4_ekey alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc4 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc4_value alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc4 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc5_ekey alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc5 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc5_value alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc5 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc6_ekey alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc6 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc ekey.
guest_wrapper_combo_adc6_value alco_guest_wrapper - combo_adc6 VARCHAR(255) Y The combo adc value.
guest_wrapper_address_ekey alco_guest_wrapper - address_id VARCHAR(255) Y The address ekey
guest_wrapper_address_value alco_guest_wrapper - address_id VARCHAR(255) Y The address value