Column Source Data type Null Description
EXPORT_ER_HDR_ID N/A INT N A unique number (Bob ID) that serves as the primary key for the row.
EXPORT_HDR_STATUS N/A INT N Status of the export document. Export system used values are:
  • 1 NEW - A new export document haws been placed in this table.
  • 2 COMPLETED - The External system has acknowledged receipt of an exported document. Verify sends this ER to the verify activity.
  • 3 ERROR - An error occurred while the export data was being imported by the external system. The Verify process routes this document to the exception handling activity.
  • 4 COMPLETE VERIFIED - The Verify process acknowledges the export of a document. Any posting for external data to the document has been completed. This document can be purged from the table after the retention period expires.
  • 5 ERROR VERIFIED - The Verify process has received an error status from the external system regarding the document. The work item for the document is sent to exception handling. The export document data can be purged from the table when the retention period expires. The user defined values range is 100 or higher.
EXPORT_HDR_STATUS_ DATETIME N/A DATETIME N The date/time that the status was updated. When this row is initially inserted, this field will be same as the export_create_date. The Document Purge process uses this to determine if the document can be purged uses this column.
EXPORT_CREATE_DATE N/A DATETIME N The date/time that this row was created. This is not to be confused with the document create date.
ER_WORK_ITEM_ID alwf_work_item - work_item_id INT N Work item ID of the work item associated with the document. The Bobid of the work item id associated with the document in the alwf_work_item table. This has a foreign key reference back to the alwf_work_item table.
ER_DOCUMENT_ID alwf_work_ item - document_id VARCHAR (255) N The document id for the expense report. By default, the format of this document ID is XXnnnnnnnn, where XX indicates the type of the application (e.g., ER or TS) and the series of "n" are an eight-digit sequence number. This is the most likely value to be passed to an external system to identify the document in the Expense Management system.
ER_EXP_REP_TITLE aler_expense_report - exp_rep_title VARCHAR(255) Y Expense report title
ER_PURPOSE alco_ purpose - purpose_ string VARCHAR(255) Y Purpose of the expense report.
ER_EXP_REP_DATE_ CREATED aler_ expense_ report -exp_rep_ date_ created DATETIME Y The date the expense report was created.
ER_EXP_REP_DATE_FILED aler_ expense_ report - exp_rep_ date_filed DATETIME Y The date the expense report was submitted. Considered to be the date the expense report was submitted (from create activity).
ER_DATE_FROM aler_ expense_ report - er_date_ from DATETIME Y The earliest date found in an expense line item.
ER_DATE_TO aler_ expense_ report - er_date_to DATETIME Y The latest date found in an expense line item.
ER_CORP_CHARGE_DATE aler_expense_ report - corp_charge_ date DATETIME Y The date of payment for credit card charges when the IBCP option is turned on. This field is seen as "Corporate Charge card expenses paid on" on the Summary screen, Payment tab.
ER_CURRENCY_ISO alco_currency_ format - currency_ code_iso CHAR(3) N The ISO code for the currency used for the amount fields. (usually the user paid in currency) All of the amount columns in this table are in the currency that corresponds to this ISO code.
ER_CASH_ADV_AMOUNT aler_expense_ report - cash_adv_ amount NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Total amount of cash advances in the expense report. This field is seen as "Less Cash Advances" on the Summary screen, Disbursement tab.
ER_COMPANY_CHARGES aler_ expense_report - company_ charges NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Total amount of company paid expenses in the expense report.
ER_AMOUNT_DUE_EMP aler_ expense_report - amount_due_ emp NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Amount due employee after cash advances, company paid expenses, and LCF have been taken into account. This is usually the "amount due" for AP invoices.
ER_AMOUNT_DUE_CO aler_expense_ report -amount_due_ company NUMERIC (20, 10) Y If the LCF option is turned on, then this is the pending LCF amount that is added to the outstanding LCF balance for the user.
ER_AUTH_AMT aler_ expense_report - auth_amt NUMERIC (20, 10) Y The total amount of approved expenses.
ER_TOTAL_EXPENSE aler_ expense_report - total_expense NUMERIC (20, 10) Y The total amount of total expenses submitted.
ER_APPLIED_LCF aler_ expense_report - applied_lcf NUMERIC (20, 10) Y The amount taken out from the amount_due_emp because of pending LCF.
ER_APPLIED_ADJ aler_ expense_report - applied_adj NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Total amount taken out from the amount_due_emp because of mgr. adjustments from a previous ER. This applies to the Create-Pay-Review model with no LCF, to be used in future functionality.
ER_CORP_CHARGE_TOTAL aler_ expense_report - corp_ charge_total NUMERIC (20, 10) Y Total amount due to corporate card if the IBCP option is turned on for the credit card feed.
ER_REMAINING_LCF aler_ expense_report - remaining_ lcf NUMERIC (20, 10) Y The amount of user LCF still outstanding after applying LCF to this expense report. If this column is positive, it means that the amount_due_emp is zero.
ER_GENERATED_LCF aler_ expense_report - generated_ lcf NUMERIC (20, 10) Y The amount of additional LCF that this ER has generated and that will be added to the user LCF total. Line items that generate LCF are: cash advance and company paid personal expenses.
ER_USER_ID aler_ expense_report - user_id INT Y User_id for the owner of the expense report.
ER_USER_LOGIN alco_user - user_login VARCHAR(255) Y User login of the owner of the expense report.
ER_USER_FULL_NAME alco_user - user_full_name VARCHAR(255) Y User full name.
ER_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER alco_user - employee_ number VARCHAR(255) Y User employee number.
ER_USER_LOCATION alco_user - user_location VARCHAR(255) Y User location.
ER_USER_EMAIL_ ADDRESS alco_user - user_email _address VARCHAR(255) Y User email address.
ER_USER_PAYROLL_ SYSTEM_CODE alco_user - payroll_ system_code VARCHAR(255) Y User payroll system code.
ER_USER_SSN alco_user - user_ssn VARCHAR(255) Y User social security number.
ER_USER_COST_CENTER_NAME alco_cost_center - cost_center_ name VARCHAR(255) Y User default cost center name.
ER_USER_COST_CENTER_CODE alco_cost_center - cost_center_ code VARCHAR(255) Y User default cost center code.
ER_USER_DEPT_NAME alco_department - department _name VARCHAR(255) Y Department name of user's default cost center.
ER_USER_DIVISION_NAME alco_division -division_name VARCHAR(255) Y Division name of user's default cost center.
ER_USER_DEPT_CODE alco_department - department_ code VARCHAR(255) Y Department code of user's default cost center.
ER_USER_DIVISION_CODE alco_division -division_code VARCHAR(255) Y Division code of user's default cost center.
ER_USER_COMPANY_ NAME alco_company -company_name VARCHAR(255) Y Company name of user's default cost center.
ER_USER_COMPANY_CODE alco_company -company_code VARCHAR(255) Y Company code of user's default cost center.
EXP_REP_DATA_ID INT Y Foreign key to Bob ID of Expense Report Top Bob.
PURPOSE_EKEY aler_expense_ report - purpose_id VARCHAR(255) Y External key identifying the purpose of the expense report.
CURRENCY_EKEY aler_expense_report - total_expense _id VARCHAR(255) Y External key identifying the currency used for the amount fields.
USER_EKEY aler_expense_report - user_id VARCHAR(255) Y External key identifying the user who is the owner of the expense report.
DATE_APPROVED aler_expense_report - date_approved DATETIME Y The date the expense report was approved. This date is set by the "Approve ER Timestamp Policy" business rule.
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_1 aler_expense_report - flex_field_string_1 VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field in String type
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_2 aler_expense_report - flex_field_string_2 VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field in String type
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_3 aler_expense_report - flex_field_string_3 VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field in String type
FLEX_FIELD_STRING_4 aler_expense_report - flex_field_string_4 VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field in String type
FLEX_FIELD_INTEGER_1 alex_expense_report - fles_field_integer_1 INT Y Flex Field in Integer type
FLEX_FIELD_INTEGER_2 alex_expense_report - flex_field_integer_2 INT Y Flex Field in Integer type
FLEX_FIELD_DATE _1 aler_expense_report - flex_field_date_1 DATETIME Y Flex Field in Datetime type
FLEX_FIELD_DATE _2 aler_expense_report - flex_field_date_2 DATETIME Y Flex Field in Datetime type
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT _1 aler_expense_report - flex_field_amount_1 NUMERIC(20) Y Flex Field in Decimal for Currency
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT_1_CURRENCY aler_expense_report - flex_field_amount_1_id VARCHAR(10) Y Flex Field for Currency Id
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT _2 aler_expense_report - flex_field_amount_2 NUMERIC(20) Y Flex Field in Decimal for Currency
FLEX_FIELD_AMOUNT_2_CURRENCY aler_expense_report - flex_field_amount_2_id VARCHAR(10) Y Flex Field for Currency Id
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_EKEY aler_expense_report - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field Location external key
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_COUNTY aler_expense_report - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field Location located in this county
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_STATE aler_expense_report - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field Location located in this state
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_COUNTRY aler_expense_report - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field Location located in this country
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_CITY aler_expense_report - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field Location located in this city
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_SUBURB aler_expense_report - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field Location located in this suburb
FLEX_FIELD_LOC_1_STREET aler_expense_report - flex_field_location_1_id VARCHAR(255) Y Flex Field Location located in this street
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_1_CODE aler_flex_ddlb_1 - flex_ddlb_code VARCHAR(255) Y Code of Flex Field DDLB 1
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_2_CODE aler_flex_ddlb_2 - flex_ddlb_code VARCHAR(255) Y Code of Flex Field DDLB 2
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_3_CODE aler_flex_ddlb_3 - flex_ddlb_code VARCHAR(255) Y Code of Flex Field DDLB 3
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_4_CODE aler_flex_ddlb_4 - flex_ddlb_code VARCHAR(255) Y Code of Flex Field DDLB 4
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_5_CODE aler_flex_ddlb_5 - flex_ddlb_code VARCHAR(255) Y Code of Flex Field DDLB 5
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_1_VALUE aler_flex_ddlb_1 - flex_ddlb_value VARCHAR(255) Y Value of Flex Field DDLB 1
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_2_VALUE aler_flex_ddlb_2 - flex_ddlb_value VARCHAR(255) Y Value of Flex Field DDLB 2
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_3_VALUE aler_flex_ddlb_3 - flex_ddlb_value VARCHAR(255) Y Value of Flex Field DDLB 3
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_4_VALUE aler_flex_ddlb_4 - flex_ddlb_value VARCHAR(255) Y Value of Flex Field DDLB 4
FLEX_FIELD_DDLB_5_VALUE aler_flex_ddlb_5 - flex_ddlb_value VARCHAR(255) Y Value of Flex Field DDLB 5
ER_USER_SEGMENT1_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 1 code of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT1_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 1 name of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT2_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 2 code of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT2_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 2 name of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT3_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 3 code of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT3_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 3 name of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT4_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 4 code of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT4_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 4 name of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT5_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 5 code of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT5_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 5 name of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT6_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 6 code of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT6_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 6 name of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT7_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 7 code of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT7_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 7 name of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT8_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 8 code of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT8_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 8 name of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT9_CODE alco_cost_center_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 9 code of user default cost center
ER_USER_SEGMENT9_NAME alco_cost_center_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y Segment 9 name of user default cost center
ER_USER_COUNTRY_ISO alco_country -country_code_iso VARCHAR(255) Y The user country iso code
SEGMENT_COUNT alco_cost_center_config - segment_count INTEGER Y The number of segments in this document owner's cost center.
ER_USER_REVIEW_SEGMENT_NAME alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_name VARCHAR(255) Y The review segment name of this document owner's cost center.
ER_USER_REVIEW_SEGMENT_CODE alco_cost_center_rev_segment - segment_code VARCHAR(255) Y The review segment code of this document owner's cost center.