Column Source Data type Null Description
export_perdiem_line_data_id int N PK - a unique ID for this table. Example: 1234567890
export_expense_line_id int N Foreign key to aler_expense_export_line
time_at_location alpd_perdiem_line_data - time_at_location smallint Y The time spent at this location in minutes. This is usually calculated from end_time - start_time but can be configured as a dropdown.
start_time alpd_perdiem_line_data - start_time datetime Y The time of day the traveller arrived at this location. If the traveller arrived on a previous day, this should be set to 0:00.
end_time alpd_perdiem_line_data - end_time datetime Y The time of day the traveller departed from this location. If the traveller will depart on a future day, this should be set to 0:00.
overnight_stay alpd_perdiem_line_data - overnight_stay smallint Y Set to 1 if the traveller had an overnight stay.
long_term_stay alpd_perdiem_line_data - long_term_stay smallint Y Set to 1 if this is part of a long term stay.
Breakfast alpd_perdiem_line_data - breakfast smallint Y Set to 1 if the traveller's breakfast was paid for. This reduces the per diem.
Lunch alpd_perdiem_line_data - lunch smallint Y Set to 1 if the traveller's lunch was paid for. This reduces the per diem.
Dinner alpd_perdiem_line_data - dinner smallint Y Set to 1 if the traveller's dinner was paid for. This reduces the per diem.
meal_amount alpd_perdiem_line_data - meal_amount numeric(20, 10) Y The amount to subtract from the per diem for a meal that was paid for by another party.
meal_amount_currency_ekey alpd_perdiem_line_data - meal_amount_id varchar(255) Y The currency of the meal amount. This should always be the same as the per diem currency.
private_nightstay_address alpd_perdiem_line_data - private_nightstay_address varchar(255) Y If the traveller stayed at a friend's place, the address is set here.
first_day_of_trip alpd_perdiem_line_data - first_day_of_trip smallint Y Set to 1 if this is the first day of the trip.
last_day_of_trip alpd_perdiem_line_data - last_day_of_trip smallint Y Set to 1 if this is the last day of the trip.
optional_deduction_1 almt_extension - value_int smallint Y Set to 1 if the traveller checked the optional deduction 1 checkbox.
optional_deduction_2 almt_extension - value_int smallint Y Set to 1 if the traveller checked the optional deduction 2 checkbox.
optional_deduction_3 almt_extension - value_int smallint Y Set to 1 if the traveller checked the optional deduction 3 checkbox.
optional_deduction_4 almt_extension - value_int smallint Y Set to 1 if the traveller checked the optional deduction 4 checkbox.
optional_deduction_5 almt_extension - value_int smallint Y Set to 1 if the traveller checked the optional deduction 5 checkbox.