Business rule that supports the Late TS Submission

The business rule fires on the timesheet submission routing. The entry in the alts_delinquent_report table with the same user and timesheet period is removed from the table.

This table lists the Remove Delinquent Timesheet Flag Policy values:

Field Value
Severity None
Notification None
Fire On Itemization Left blank
Fire Option Fire Offline and Online
Status Active
Fire On Route on TS Submit
Description Remove the delinquent timesheet record when the timesheet is submitted.
Policy Remove the delinquent timesheet record when the timesheet is submitted.

The DlnqntSubmitReportBkg background process creates an entry to the table with pre -submitted value set to 1, if a timesheet is pre-submitted and the corresponding entry is not added in the alts_delinquent_report table by the background process. When the DlnqntSubmitReportBkg background process runs at the next scheduled time and finds that the user has a pre-submitted entry in the given period, instead of adding a new entry in the table, the pre -submitted entry is removed from the table.

Missed Payroll Cutoff Policy business rule

Set and activate the Missed Payroll Cutoff Policy business rule to prevent users from submitting timesheets for a reporting period after the expiration of the payroll cutoff period. The cutoff value determines the relevant period of a specific timesheet.