Configuring the Expense Management ION integration server

To configure the Expense Management ION Integration Server:

  1. On the Expense Management ION integration server, configure the Expense Management ION database connection information in the ionconfig.xml file in:

    This is a sample configuration in ionconfig.xml.template file. You should rename or copy this to the ionconfig.xml file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
          <!-- Note: The ExtnDBConnection element was renamed to SOAExchangeDB in Infor Expense Management 8.1.4. Rename it if your Infor Expense Management installation is 8.1.4 or later.-->
    		<Url> jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<db server>:<port>;DatabaseName=XM_ION_EXTN</Url>
    		<User><db user></User>
    		<Password><db password></Password>
    			<LogicalId><logical id></LogicalId>
    			<Tenant><tenant id></Tenant>
    		<Url>jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<db server>:<port>;DatabaseName=XM_ION_T1</Url>
    			<User><db user></User>
    			<Password><db password></Password>
    			<LogicalId><logical id></LogicalId>
    			<Tenant><tenant id></Tenant>
    		<Url>jdbc:jtds:sqlserver:// <db server>:<port>;DatabaseName=XM_ION_T2</Url>
    			<User><db user></User>
    			<Password><db password></Password>

    This screen shows a sample configuration of the logical id=infor.erp.xm:

  2. Set the JAVA_HOME variable in the startintegrationserver.bat file in:
    Note: If you are using a Linux platform, set this variable in the file.
  3. On the Expense Management ION integration server, configure the Expense Management ION logging information in the file in:

    This is a sample configuration in the file. You should rename or copy this to the file:

    #For test purpose, the bods can be exported to the specified path


    #The path to export BODs, please use '\\' as the seperator in the path


    #Specify whether format BOD xml by pretty print.
