Searching for a user

You can search for a user. Click the Find User option corresponding to the appropriate field. The Find User page is displayed.

  1. Specify this information in the search criteria section:
    First Name
    The first name of the user you require to search.
    Middle Initial
    The middle name of the user.
    Last Name
    The last name of the user.
    The login ID of the user.
    Cost Center
    The cost center to which the user is allocated.
    The manager of the user. Click the Find User option to search for a user to assign the role of a manager.
    The designation of the user.
    Employee ID
    The unique identification number of the user.
    The location of the user.
    The country in which the user resides.
    Phone number
    The contact number of the user.
    Out of office
    Indicates whether the user is out of office. Possible values:
    • Yes
    • No
    The email address of the user.
  2. Click Find. The user names based on the search criteria information are displayed at the right of the page.
    You can also use this page to:
    • Search for a cost center, using the Find Cost Center option corresponding to the Cost Center field.
    • Review user details, using the User Details option corresponding to the Manager field.