Configuration parameters for downloading full data from transactional database [download_all.bat/sh]

  • skipTableList: You can specify a list of tables that do not get downloaded. This list of table is a comma separated list. However, if this parameter is specified through the command line then ensure that each table is separated with a dot (.) instead of comma. By default, skipTableList is set to almt_maxbobid.
  • printColumnHeaders: If set to true this parameter prints column headers. By default, it is false.
  • downloadFolderName: This is the name of the folder in the client machine where the downloaded data is residing.
  • unloadToDataSets: This can be set to true or false. By default, unloadToDataSets is set to true. If set to true, download_all.bat downloads all the data files to specific directories. If it is set to false, all the data files are downloaded to a single folder (that specified in the downloadFolderName parameter).
  • numOfFiles: This parameter decides the number of files that are transferred from server to client in each call to the server. Default value is 15.
  • ignoreNeverUnloadTableList: You can specify a list of tables that do not get unloaded. These tables are never downloaded (unless you set ignoreNeverUnloadTableList=TRUE):
    • almt_load_info
    • almt_duplicate_bob_info
    • alco_flattened_group
    • almt_bobids