Suite business rule templates

This table shows templates that are available for all of the Expense Management applications:

Business rule templates Definition
Advanced Post Fix Create a business rule for which there is no business rule template. See Advanced Postfix Generator template.
All Charge Codes Must Be Valid Create a business rule that determines if a charge code is valid. See All Charge Codes Must Be Valid template.
All Charge Codes Must Comply to Billable Policy Create a business rule that determines if a charge code is billable. See All Charge Codes Must Comply to Billable Policy template.
Always Fail Tests hooks that do not have any configured business rules. This business rule should not be used in a production environment. See Always Fail template.
Approver Cannot Approve More than the Requested Amount Create a business rule that ensures that managers and approvers cannot approve an amount more than the requested amount. See Approver Cannot Approve More than the Requested Amount template.
Audit List Check Create a business rule that adds an Audit Flag A to an ER/PR user if they are on the Audit List. See Audit List Check template
Broadcast Message Create a business rule that displays a customized message after login. See Broadcast Message template.
Business Rule Violations Summary Create a business rule that provides a summary of business rule violations. See Business Rule Violations Summary template.
Charge Code Routing Create a business rule that enables a manager to review all expenses charged to specific charge codes. See Charge Code Routing template.
Clear Invisible ADCs Create a business rule that clears the values contained in invisible ADCs. This rule sets to null all bob elements in the ADC pane whose control is invisible. If the element name is in the exceptions list, it will not set it to null. The exceptions list is defined by one or more BR parameters representing the bob element names as strings. See Clear Invisible ADCs template.
Clear Policy Based Routing Info Create a business rule that clears the policy flag and policy based routings associated with a document when that document is rejected. See Clear Policy Based Routing Info template.
Combination Rules for General Routing Create a business rule that determines the next workflow transition by comparing two elements to specific values. See Combination Rules for General Routing template.
Cost Center Based Routing Create a business rule that routes a document to the default review of the cost center to which the document is being charged. See Cost Center-Based Workflow Routing template.
Date of Hire/Term Policy Create a business rule that manages the expenses that result from either the hiring or termination of employment. See Date of Hire/Term Policy template.
Days Old Routing Create a business rule that determines how old an expense line item is and routes the document to a manager reviewer based on that age. See Days Old Routing Template.
Delete Manual Routing Data Create a business rule that clears the manually selected approver from an expense report so that a user can select another approver to submit the expense report. SeeDelete Manual Routing Data template.
Delete Signatures Create a business rule that deletes electronic signatures upon rejection of a document. See Delete Signatures template.
Document Element Required Create a business rule that requires a specific field to have a value. See Document Element Required template.
Duplicate Expense Check Create a business rule that warns if two expenses with the same date, expense type and amount were submitted in a single expense report. See Duplicate Expense Check Template.
Electronic Signature Create a business rule that adds an electronic signature to a document. See Electronic Signature Policy template.
Element Compare- Based Workflow Routing Create a business rule that determines the workflow routing based on comparing two elements. See Element Compare-Based Workflow Routing template.
Escalated Routing Create a business rule that routes expense reports with a large dollar amount to a different reviewer if the manager approver does not have authority to approve the amount. See Escalated Routing template.
Export Reset Create a business rule that resets the work item's isExported flag to false. See Export Reset template.
Force Approver to look receipts Compels approvers to open each receipt attached to a document before approving the document. See Force Approver to look Receipts.
General Workflow Routing Create a business rule that determines the workflow routing based on comparing an element to a value. See General Workflow Routing template.
General Workflow Routing With Itemization Create a business rule that determines the workflow routing based on comparing an element to a value. It fires on the children of line items (itemizations). See General Workflow Routing With Itemization template.
Group-Based Workflow Routing Create a business rule that determines the workflow routing based on group membership. See Group-Based Workflow Routing template.
Line Item has Partial Guests Create a business rule that warns a user if a line item has partial guests. See Line Item has Partial Guests template.
Manager Check Routing Create a business rule that determines if a document creator has only one manager reviewer and to route the document to either the manager or to a default activity. See Manager Check Routing template.
Manager Review of Business Rule Exceptions Create a business rule that requires a reviewer to accept or reject all exceptions. See Manager Review of Business Rule Exceptions template.
Manual Routing Create a business rule that enables the user to route a document manually. See Manual Routing template.
Multi- Reference Routing Create a business rule to compare two elements to each other and route the document to an activity based on the results. See Multi-Reference Routing template.
No Empty Document Policy Create a business rule that requires that at least one line item is included in every document. See No Empty Document Policy template.
Non Default Cost Center Create a business rule that warns a user that they are not using their default cost center. See Non Default Cost Center template.
Parallel Charge Code Routing Rule Create a business rule that considers charge/project code routing actions. See Parallel Charge Code Routing Rule template.
Percentage- Based Workflow Routing Create a business rule that determines the workflow routing by a percentage of total documents. See Percentage-Based Workflow Routing template.
Permission Based Routing Create a business rule that determines the workflow routing by permissions. This rule template enables you to set the reviewer list for the document based on reviewer permissions See Permission Based Routing template.
Policy Based Routing Create a business rule that routes document based on policy violations. See Policy Based Routing template.
Preferred Vendor Policy Create a business rule that determines if the vendor is the preferred vendor for the document request type. See Preferred Vendor Policy template.
Provide Information When Document Approved, Yet Charge Code Item Rejected. Create a business rule that prevents the approval of a document with rejected charge code items and request the user to provide details on why the charges were rejected. See Provide Information When Document Approved, yet Charge Code Item Rejected template.
Provide Information When Document is Changing WF Activity. Create a business rule that prompts a user to provide more details about why they rejected a document. A user input screen displays for the user to respond to the request for more information. See Provide Information When Document is Changing WF Activity template.
Proxy addition must be in group Create a business rule that prevents a proxy from being assigned to a user that is not in the same or parent/child group as the user. See Proxy Addition Must be in Group template.
Proxy User Cannot Review Their Own Document Create a business rule that prevents a proxy from reviewing a document that they originally submitted. See Proxy User Cannot Review Their Own Document template.
Random (%) Audit Create a business rule that specifies the percentage of expense reports or that will be randomly selected for audit. This rule can also be applied to payment requests. See Random (%) Audit template.
Receipt Check Routing Create a business rule that routes a document to a specific activity if a line item meets specific criteria. See Receipt Check Routing template.
Review Policy Check (Client) Create a business rule that warns when an Expense Type has exceeded the Review Policy amount. See Review Policy Check (Client) template.
Review Policy Check (Server) Create a business rule that enforces review policies on the server. See Review Policy Check (Server) template.
Self Guest Required Creates a business rule that reads the ERLI element value and propagates the value to all of the children of its itemized parent line item. See Self Guest Required template.
Unattached CreditCard Transactions Create a business rule that checks if a user has any unattached transactions based on the BR parameters set. See Unattached Credit Card Transactions template.
User Has No Manager Create a business rule that routes user with no manager to audit review. See User Has No Manager template.
Validate Project Code or Cost Center Create a business rule that locates invalid project codes or cost centers and replaces them with valid ones. Creates a business rule that warns a user that the project code or cost center entered is invalid and that they must specify a valid code or cost center from the project code/cost center chooser. See Validate Project Code or Cost Center template.

The allocation.showCostCenterAddButton and allocation.showProjectNumberAddButton application parameters can alter the behavior of the system by enabling the free text entry of project and cost center codes rather than forcing the selection from the drop down box. However, the codes still must be valid for the system to accept the codes. See Infor Expense Management System Administration Tool User Guide - Application Parameters.

VAT Amount Existing In SAT Receipt Received See VAT Amount Existing In SAT Receipt Received template
Work Item Time Stamp Create a business rule that records the current date as the document submit or document approval date according to the workflow action. For example, ER submit or ER Approve. See Work Item Time Stamp template.
Not Defined View examples of business rules with undefined templates. See Not Defined template.