Time Overlap Not Allowed on Timesheet Policy Template

Use this template to create a business rule that enforces a company's policies regarding the number of on-call entries that an employee can make on any timesheet.

class name = largesoft.br.rules.system.TSTimeOverlapCheck

This business rule enforces the policy that prevents time entries for multiple project codes on the same day from overlapping.

There are no parameters for this template.


This example shows the possible values for this business rule.

Time overlap not allowed on timesheet policy fields

This table shows the values for fields:

Field Value
Name Time Overlap Not Allowed on Timesheet Policy
Severity Invalid
Notification Both
Fire on Itemization Left blank
Fire Scope Left blank
Offline and Online Firing Options Fire Offline and Online
Status Active
Fire On Update TS Timesheet Line Item

Time overlap not allowed on timesheet policy strings

This table shows the values for strings:

Strings Value
Description Time entries for multiple project codes on the same day cannot overlap.
Interactive Message Time entries for multiple project codes on the same day cannot overlap.
Policy Time entries for multiple project codes on the same day cannot overlap.
Report Message Time entries for multiple project codes on the same day cannot overlap.

Time overlap not allowed on timesheet policy applications

This table shows the values for applications:

Name Organization/Group
International Motors Company Organization
TS Data Group Group