Adding a credit card vendor

To add a credit card vendor:

  1. Click the Data tab.
  2. Select Credit Card Vendor and click Show Tab. The Credit Card Vendor screen is displayed.
  3. Click New. The Search for Credit Card Vendor / New Credit Card Vendor screen is displayed.
  4. Specify this information in the Primary Information panel:
    The display name as reported by the credit card processor.
    Legal Name
    The legal name as reported by the credit card processor.
    Address Line 1
    The first line of an organization or the individual's address.
    The city specified in the address.
    The state or province specified in the address.
    Country ISO Code
    The country's ISO 3-digit numerical or 3-letter country code.
    ZIP/Postal Code
    The ZIP or postal code as reported by the credit card processor.
    The country for the State/Province.
    Standard SIC Code
    The standard government-issued SIC code.
    Processor SIC Code
    The processor-issued SIC code. Sometimes credit card processors use their own set of SIC codes that are different from the standard SIC codes.
    SIC Code
    The credit card feed uses the standard and processor SIC codes to determine the official SIC code. When a credit card transaction is attached to a document, the resulting line item's expense type is set based on the SIC code.
    The credit card feed uses various fields to match the credit card vendor with an 'official' vendor. When a credit card transaction is attached to a document, the resulting line item's vendor is set to this value.
  5. Click Save to add the credit card vendor and save the data.