Additional shipment order screen fields
The Shipment Order Detail screen has several additional fields that enable the host system to perform certain activities within the WM module. These fields are located on the header portion of the Shipment Order screen, and on the SO Detail 1 and SO Detail 2 tabs within the detail list portion of the Shipment Order screen.
- Select Outbound > Shipment Order. The Shipment Order screen is displayed.
- Click Search to view the list of shipment orders.
- Select the applicable shipment order. The shipment order header and details are displayed.
Specify this information, if applicable, within the header portion
of the screen:
- Priority
- Specify the order priority. These values are predefined:
- 1=Highest priority
- 3=Normal priority
- 5=Lowest priority
- Order Type
- Select an order type.
- Order Group
- Specify and order group, if appropriate.
- Order Date
- The system displays the current date and time. You can use the calendar to change this value.
- Requested Ship Date
- Use the calendar to specify a date.
- Delivery Date
- Use the calendar to specify a date.
- Select a line item in the detail list portion of the screen. The details of the selected line item are displayed.
- Click the SO Detail 1 tab.
Specify this information, if applicable:
- Reason Code
- Indicates the reason code for short shipments. A reason code is required when the owner or customer is configured to require a reason code for short shipments. See Infor WMS Configuration User Guide.
- Minimum Shipment %
- Host systems must be able to specify customer requirements regarding the completeness of an order line. Some customers require that if the supplier cannot ship a line item in its entirety, then they do not want to receive any amount of product at all. Other customers might not have these requirements and partial shipments are acceptable.
- The Minimum Ship % field applies to the order line. The value provided in this field determines the quantity of product that is to be shipped to the customer. If the value is 0, which is the default, then no restriction applies and any amount of product can ship.
- If the value of the Minimum Ship % field is greater than one, the ordered quantity is multiplied by that percentage to determine the minimum number of units allowed to ship. If the allocated quantity is less than the minimum number of units to ship, the system searches for a new System option called RESERVEMINSHIPFAILURES.
- If this option is selected, the inventory is left in a pre-allocated state to reserve the available product for the customer until the remainder of the product becomes available. If the option is deselected, the entire amount is completely unallocated and made available.
- The Minimum Ship % is checked again at shipping. In this check, the minimum quantity required for an order line must be in a picked status to ship any of the pick details. If lines are shipped without picking, then the minimum quantity required must be in an Allocated status.
- QC Required
- Indicates whether inspection is required for a line item. The default is No
- QC Auto Adjust
- Indicates whether the rejected quantity of the line item should be automatically adjusted from inventory. The default is No.
- License Plate Required
- Specify the license plate. If specified, allocation and dynamic picking use the license plate information.
- Click the SO Detail 2 tab.
Specify this information, if applicable:
- Allocation Strategy
- The allocation strategy assigned to the item will default for
the order line. A different allocation strategy can be applied to the order
line. This field cannot be edited if any part of the line has been allocated or
You can only select either an allocation strategy or a classic pre-allocation/classic allocation strategy (fields described below). If you select values for both types of allocation strategy fields, a message indicating only allocation or classic allocation can be selected is displayed when you click Save.
- Classic Pre-allocation Strategy
- The classic pre-allocation strategy assigned to the item will default for the order line. A different pre-allocation strategy can be applied to the order line. This field cannot be edited if any part of the line has been allocated or pre-allocated.
- Classic Allocation Strategy
- The classic allocation strategy assigned to the item will
default for the order line. A different allocation strategy can be applied to
the order line. This field cannot be edited if any part of the line has been
allocated or pre-allocated.
You can only select either an allocation strategy (field described above) or a classic pre-allocation/classic allocation strategy . If you select values for both types of allocation strategy fields, a message indicating only allocation or classic allocation can be selected is displayed when you click Save.
- Shelf Life
- The shelf life configured for the item will default for the order line. A different shelf life can be applied to the order line and used by allocation & picking. There may be specific customers that have more strict shelf life rules than the item standard, so this may need to be changed for their order. This field cannot be edited if any part of the line has been allocated or pre-allocated.
- Rotation
- The rotation rule configured for the item (FIFO or LIFO) will default for the order line. The rotation rule can be changed for a specific order line if needed. For example, specific customers may have an agreement to always receive the newest product, so this value can be changed to LIFO for their orders. This field cannot be edited if any part of the line has been allocated or pre-allocated.
- Rotate By
- This field contains the lot information that should be used to maintain product rotation. This can be the WM Lot Number or any of the twelve lot attribute fields. When an order line is created, this will default to the lot rotation rule configured for the item. It can be changed for a specific order line if needed. This field cannot be edited if any part of the line has been allocated or pre-allocated.
- Dynamic Picking Location Sort
- The dynamic picking location sort provides flexibility for
which locations will be picked from with dynamic picking. Available options
- Location Route Sequence
- Location inventory low to high to clean locations
- Location inventory high to low
- This field cannot be edited if any part of the line has been allocated or pre-allocated.
- Carton Group Override
- Select the specific carton group you want to use for shipping. When you select a carton type value in this field, the carton type is used during allocation. Note that if the carton group is manually entered on the shipment order detail or passed through on an import of the order detail, it overrides the Ship To carton group override selection.
- Allocation Lot Limit
- Indicates the Lot limit that will be used during the pre-allocation process. This field is view only.
- Last Shipped Date
- Indicates the last shipped date if the Ship To is using outbound lot control logic. The last shipped date reflects either the expiration date or the manufacturing date depending on the Rotate By selection value (defined above). This field is view only.
- Line Type Component Reference
- Indicates the type of item on the order detail line. The type
is specific to the line because it could be a normal item on one order and a
component on another. Values include:
- Null/Blank - Standard item.
- K (Kit Item) - Kit parent item can only exist when all the components are assembled.
C (Component) -
Items are assembled to make a kit. A work order is required to complete the
Kit component lines (C) are used to create a dynamic Bill of Materials and Work Order Template in the API. They are not inserted as part of the shipment order. If a kit requires assembly, the Infor WMS Warehouse Management work order features are used. The Work Order process generates an internal Component Order using the BOM and Template created when the Outbound Order was imported.
BComponent Reference (BOM
Component) - Items are components that are shipped without assembly. They are
identified to ensure that quantities shipped to customers are in balance and
sufficient to make complete kits.
When the Outbound Order lines are for BOM components, then the kit parent SKU is not included with the order. The related BOM lines for a kit can be identified using the new Component Ref field. There is no assembly process required for these items; they are picked and shipped like any normal item. Identifying these items as kit components enforces the new balanced component shipping logic. For additional information regarding this logic, see the Infor WMS Work Order User Guide.
- Used to group all of the components that make up a kit.
- The parent kit item might or might not be included on the order. If the related components are type C, then the parent kit must be included with the order. If the related components are type B, then the parent kit is not included with the order; however, if it is included, it must have the same component reference number as the components.
- The component reference could be the Kit identifier, a line number, or any other reasonable unique field the host system uses to group the kit lines on an order. The value of the reference has no significance to WM other than grouping kit elements for a specific order. Component references can be different for each component item from one order to another.
- Requested Weight
- The total weight that is requested for picking when using the Pick by Weight functionality.
- Component Quantity
- The
Component Quantity
field indicates how many master units of this item are required to make up a
single kit. The shipping quantities of the component items must be kept in
proper ratio according to the
Component Qty field.
Note: Shortages of one or more components cause all component quantities and the parent kit quantity (if included) to be adjusted. The Component Qty field and Component Ref field on the Order Detail is used for balancing component shipping.
- Kit Order ASN
- When a shipment order is created with the order type Kit Order, the shipment order includes a detail line with the Kit item (defined in the bill of materials) and the quantity reflecting the number of kits. An automated process explodes the Kit order upon Pre-Allocation, Allocation, or Release of the shipment order. During the automated explode process, a new ASN for the parent item is created with the ASN type, Kit Order ASN. You can view the created Kit Order ASN within this field. Note that this field is view only; it is not editable.
- Percentage Based By PO
- The allocated percentage of the requested quantity of the shipment order to be processed based on the ASN or PO.
- Flow Thru
- If this check box is selected, the shipment line is linked to a
Flow Thru purchase order can be identified. Unlike the Flow
Thru Shipment Header Type, this feature is designed to be
linked to a unique shipment line.Note:
- This indicator, along with the completed Purchase Order Document field, allows to lookup matching shipment detail for allocating when receiving a Flow Thru PO.
- The Purchase Order Document linked to the shipment line can be updated after the line is allocated.
- A single Flow Thru Purchase Order (PO) can be matched to multiple shipments at the detail level. When receiving less than the expected quantity for a PO, the received inventory is allocated in WMS shipment number sequence (from lowest to highest).
- This feature is available for all the Shipment Header types except for Flow Thru.
- If Appointment and other Shipment Header Type is set to Flow Thru, the header level control takes precedence over the Shipment line level control.
- By default, this check box is cleared.
- Click Save.