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Infor WMS Introduction and Navigation User Guide
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User interface overview
Workstation user interface
WM module
Application screen views
Application toolbars
Locating information
RF screen user interface
RF device screen
RF layout and navigation
Logging on and using the Infor WMS application
Logging on to a workstation
Logging off of a workstation
Logging on to an RF device
Logging off of an RF device
Selecting a facility
Using the WM module
WM module mechanics
Favorites drop-down list
Adding screens to the Favorites drop-down list
Removing screens from the Favorites drop-down list
Saved views menu
Creating a saved or global view
Updating an existing saved or global view
Managing saved or global view
Global Views
Screen groups
Using screens
Configuring the Home screen
Application toolbar
Typical screen layout
Screen toolbar
Screen tabs
List view screens
Using the Search feature
Personalizing the list view
Selecting the columns displayed in the list view
Setting the number of rows displayed in the list view
Specifying the number of rows displayed in all list views
Customizing the number of rows displayed in a specific list view
Sorting list view contents
Selecting a record
Displaying details of a record
Working with List view fields
Form view screens
List name field
Adding information to Form view fields
Detail screens
Making design changes to screens
Editing list view screens
Editing detail screens
Building a rule for a widget
Creating a rule for a widget
Using rules example
Writing a rule on a Date datatype widget
Understanding use of Date datatype in Rule Builder
Assigning a default value to a widget
Updating an existing rule for a widget
Enabling/disabling an existing rule
Deleting an existing rule for a widget
Displaying rules based on user locale language
Understanding design mode recommendations and guidelines
Design List screen
Viewing list of screens with design updates
Exporting and importing form designer changes
Releasing a designer form
Search screens
Using a Search screen
Chart screens
Search feature
Displaying a subset of records
Search qualifier (%) or (*)
Lookup feature
Using the Lookup feature
Drop-down lists
Using drop-down lists
Using multi-selection drop-down lists
Calendar feature
Using the Calendar feature
Creating new records
Performing an action on a record
Excel Import/Export
Excel Export
Exporting records into an Excel spreadsheet
Excel Import
Importing an Excel spreadsheet using the Import feature on a screen
Importing the Excel spreadsheet via the master import feature
Importing inbound and outbound orders
Reviewing the import logs
Working with Shortcut keys
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