General Tab

Specify this information:
Name of the owner associated with the new item. Required.
Unique code identifying the item. Required.
Note:  Different owners can use the same item code.
Description of the item
Code that determines the measurements the application uses to track items in the facility. Required.
Note: Pack must be configured on the Pack screen before use in conjunction with this feature.
Default cube per unit in terms of eaches (Master Unit) for this item. Cube per unit in terms of eaches (Master Unit). Required for Task Management. See Configuring Task Manager for more information.

Default value: Zero (0)

Gross Weight
Gross weight per unit in eaches. See Configuring Task Manager for more information. This field is required if the putaway algorithm for this item restricts candidate putaway locations based on their weight capacity.

Default value: Zero (0)

Net Weight
Net weight per unit in eaches (Master Unit).

Default value: Zero (0)

Tare Weight
Weight in excess of the physical units being stored; that is, packaging or component that is not part of the item.

Default value: Zero (0)

Lottable Validation
Lottable validation type associated with the item. Lottable validation records created on the Lottable Validation screen can be applied to the item. The validation/conversion of lottables for this item is processed during receiving through either RF or workstation.
To Expire By Days
Number of days from the Manufacture Date (Lottable 04) to Expiration. This field is used to automatically populate Lottable05 (Expiration Date) based on the Manufacture Date applied at receiving.
To Deliver By Days
Number of days from the Manufacture Date (Lottable 04) to the Deliver by Date. This field is used to automatically populate Lottable11 (Deliver By Date) based on the Manufacture Date applied at receiving.
To Best By Days
Number of days from the Manufacture Date (Lottable 04) to the Best by Date. This field is used to automatically populate Lottable12 (Best By Date) based on the Manufacture Date applied at receiving.
Automatic Copy of Pack to Lottable at Receipt
Indicator that determines whether the pack used for receipt must be Copied to the Lottable01 field automatically. Selecting this option allows you to create lots based on different pack codes for the same item. It also allows you to allocate based on the pack configuration on the individual lot, rather than the default Pack configuration on the Item screen.

Selecting this option allows you to create lots based on different pack codes for the same item. It also allows you to allocate based on the Pack configuration of the individual lot, rather than the default pack configuration on the Item screen.

  • This field is used for Task Management.
  • If the value is set to Copied to the Lottable01, these processes uses the pack key copied in the inventory record to calculate case or pallet quantity count from the pack key used while receiving:
    • RF replenishment
    • Cherry-pick replenishment
    • Replenishment to speed line location
    • Selector replenishment
    • On-demand replenishment
Stock Type
Stock type used if an item is either of the following:
  • Standard - Item is in inventory.
  • Non Stock - No Item.
  • Special - Item is not inventoried.
Shelf Life Indicator
Indicator that determines whether the shelf life feature is set to On or Off.
Note: Clearing the check box turns off the minimum shelf life for picking.
Shelf Life Code Type
Code type used when determining whether a pick or ship task should pass or fail, based on shelf life validation. The application compares either the Manufacturing or Expiration date to the current date to calculate the shelf life.
Inbound Shelf Life
Number of days permitted before the expiration date, or the number of days permitted after the manufacturing date for which the item can retains its shelf life.

This field is used in conjunction with the Shelf Life Code Type field and validation defined at the detail level during RF and workstation receiving.

Default value: Zero (0)

Outbound Shelf Life
Number of days permitted before the expiration date, or the number of days permitted after the manufacturing date for which the item can retain its shelf life after the expiration date.

If outside the allotted time, the item does not allocate or ship, depending on conditional validation settings.

Default value: Zero (0)

Item Facility Control Group
Menu selections that control which facilities an item can be managed in.
Item Reference for SGTIN Labeling
Entry used to create SGTIN labels.