jWebSocket Timeout

There may be a timeout set in the infor\sce\scprd\wm\socketserver\jwebsocket\conf\JWebSocket.xml file. The timeout value can be set to non-zero and is in units of milliseconds. The default is 1800000 which is 30 minutes. Any values less than 1,500,000 will be limited to a timeout of 25 minutes. You cannot have a timeout shorter than 25 minutes. When the websocket times out, the user will be logged out, a message will be sent to WebRF to disable the reconnect logic, the socket connection will be terminated, and the device will return back to the login prompt.

    <!-- jWebSocket engine configuration -->
               <!-- keystore file with in ${JWEBSOCKET_HOME}conf -->
               <!-- password to access keystore file -->
               <!-- CAUTION! -->
               <!-- not all browsers automatically accept self-signed certificates -->
               <!-- please follow instructions on the jWebSocket.org website, how
                    to trust self-signed certificates for the various browsers or
                    how to import signed private key/certificate bundles into the keystore -->
                <!-- these domains are accepted by the engine listening on the above port ->
               <!-- you optionally can add asterisks as wild cards -->
                    <!-- limit allowed domains here -->
               <!-- default session timeout 1h, max timeout currently 1 hour -->