Screen fields
Screen fields store data that is passed from one screen to the next. Some of these fields may display on the screen and others may just be for navigation or data flow.
The RF Screen is separated into three areas: Header, Footer, and the Dynamic Area. The Header and Footer are static reserved areas. If fields are hidden in the header or footer, the remaining field content does not shift up to consume the space. However, in the Dynamic Area, the fields do shift up to fill the available space if other fields are hidden. Rather than assigning static row numbers in the dynamic area, the fields should be ordered in the Dynamic Order tab on the screen designer.
In Telnet RF, by default, the top row is reserved for the header and the bottom two rows are reserved for the footer. To change these, the CALCFIELDPOS instruction can be used. For example, if two rows are desired for the header, CALCFIELDPOS(2,-2) can be given as an instruction to reserve the top two rows for the header and the bottom two rows for the footer.
In WebRF, CALCFIELDPOS is not used. Footer fields are moved to the F1-About menu to make room for the screen content and function keys are listed as buttons in the footer to be accessible on touchscreens.
All the screen fields are grouped into vectors.