Graphical filter
Queries can also be built graphically by selecting
.Use the Graphical Filter page to create a query that displays as a graph. The query enables you to search for shipment orders based on certain conditions, which are in turn, used to build a wave.
- Choose Base Criterion
- Main search criteria used to search for the shipment orders. The default is Owner.
- Graph Type
- Graphic format in which to display the shipment orders in a wave.
You can select one of the following graph type formats from the Graph Type
- Pie Chart
- Horizontal Bar Chart
- Vertical Bar Chart
As with the query builder method, Wave and Order Limits can be used to manage the size of the wave and determine which orders to create by using the graphical filter, as well as eliminate orders based on certain criteria.
If Wave Limits information is not provided, all shipment orders that meet the conditions you specified in the query portion of the screen are included in the wave.
See Query Builder for information on the wave and order limits used by the Graphical filter.