Orders Not on Wave
The Orders Not on Wave screen displays a list of shipment orders that have not been included on a wave. This list allows you to easily view and select orders that should be included on a wave. You can also specify search criteria into these search fields to locate an order.
- Order Number
- Requested Ship Date
- Ship To
- Carrier Name
- Order Date
- Status
- Owner
- External Order #1
- Priority
- Type
- Total cube
- Total Gross Weight
You can also click the
icon to display additional search fields you can use to locate an order. The additional search fields are:- Requested Delivery Date
- Delivery Date 2
- Trailer Number
- City
- Carrier
- Door
- Load Number
- State
- Route
- Ship To
- External Load #
- Zip
- Stop
- Transportation Mode
- Zip
- Split Shipment Original Order Number
- PRO Number