
You can use the Function button to select any of the following functions to be performed on a specific wave.

  • Consolidate

    Consolidate initiates the consolidation process on the wave. The consolidate feature is used to summarize the total quantity required on the wave for items with speed picking locations. On the Eligible Items - Speed Location Selection page, you can specify or look up the speed pick location for an item on the wave. See the Infor WMS Picking User Guide for more information.

  • Un-consolidate

    Un-consolidate removes the grouping assignments that were made during the initial consolidation process. This removes the speed pick assignment that was made as part of consolidation.

  • Batch Orders

    The Batch Orders function initiates the process of grouping picks by item for all orders on the current wave. When you select Function > Batch Orders, a pop-up screen with a list of the available sortation stations is displayed. Once you select the application sortation location and click Submit, the system creates a new Batch Order.

    • The created batch order is a group of all order details on the wave combined into one order line for each item total quantity across orders.

      If the original order detail has full pallet quantities, a separate batched order detail line is created for it. The full pallets are directed to the Door of the original order, not to the Sort Station. Once the full pallets are picked on the Batch Order, the system creates the Original Order pick detail needs to be created and updates the status. You can link the full pallet picks back to the original order by updating the batch order with the original order data.

      If the original order details have lottable values, the order details are grouped on the wave based on the lottable values. This allows for the wave to be allocated by lottables.

    • Normal allocation is used for the batch order using the allocation strategy specified on the order detail.
    • The grouped order is added as a new order on the wave with the order type 100 (Batch Order).
    • Since various order detail options are grouped together, the system uses the batch order detail data from the item being grouped.
    • The Status on the original order header and details is updated to Batched. While an order is in Batched status, it is not editable and should be excluded from any processing (allocation, releasing, shipping, etc.).
    • The Sortation Location on the original order header is updated to the Sort Location of the Sort Station.
    • The original order header is updated with a Batch Order Number. The original order detail is updated with a batch order number and a batch order line number.
    • If the system setting for the Use Batch Strategy value is set to BATCH, all batch order details must be updated with this batch strategy. If the value is set to 0, the Item allocation strategy is used.
    • The Batch Order Type is not editable and should be excluded from any processing (allocation, releasing, shipping, etc.).
    • When you select Function > Batch Orders, the system checks if there are any serial and/or catch weight/catch data items on the wave. If these types of items are found, a message is displayed indicating that serial and/or catch weight/catch data items cannot be automatically sorted.
  • Unbatch Orders

    When you select Function > Unbatch Orders, the system unbatches the Batch Order. The Batch Orders function removes the batch assignments for orders.

    • You must unbatch orders before you pick and sort. If any of Batch Order details are allocated or picked when you select Function > Unbatch Orders, a message is displayed indicating you must delete the picks and unallocate the order prior to unbatching.
    • The unbatch process resets the status on the original order header and the order details to Not Started. The Batch Order Number is removed from the order header, and Batch Order Number and Batch Order Line Number are removed from the order details.
    • The Sort Location is removed from the original order.
  • Auto Sort - Batch Pick Without Sorting

    When you select Function > Auto Sort - Batch Pick Without Sorting, the system automatically sorts the original orders. You cannot, though, auto sort batch orders that include end-to-end serial and/or outbound catch data/weight items. If any of the items on the batch order are end-to-end serial, or outbound catch data/weight, a message indicating the auto sort cannot be done for a wave with end-to-end serial or outbound catch data/weight items is displayed.

    • Prior to the auto sort, the system checks if the Batch Order has been picked yet. If any of the batch order pick details is < 5 (Picked), the prompt Picks are not complete for Batch Order. Only Picked items will be Auto Sorted. Do you want to continue with Auto Sort? is displayed. If you select Yes, only the items that have been picked are auto sorted. If you select No, no items are auto sorted.
    • Any order detail with lot attribute values is sorted first.
    • The license plate used during the picking process is used as the LPN/Drop ID on the original order.
    • Pick details are created for the original orders using the Batch Order pick details.
    • The LPN and Drop ID on the original order are the LPN from the batch order pick detail.
    • Once the original pick details have been created, the Batch Order is deleted.
  • Auto Sort - LPN for each order

    When you select Function > Auto Sort - LPN for each order, the system automatically sorts the original orders. You cannot, though, auto sort batch orders that include end-to-end serial and/or outbound catch data/weight items. If any of the items on the batch order are end-to-end serial, or outbound catch data/weight, a message indicating the auto sort cannot be done for a wave with end-to-end serial or outbound catch data/weight items is displayed.

    • Prior to the auto sort, the system checks if the Batch Order has been picked yet. If any of the batch order pick details is < 5 (Picked), the prompt Picks are not complete for Batch Order. Only Picked items will be Auto Sorted. Do you want to continue with Auto Sort? is displayed. If you select Yes, only the items that have been picked are auto sorted. If you select No, no items are auto sorted.
    • Any order detail with lot attribute values is sorted first.
    • The system generates one Case ID/LPN and creates the original order pick details for the corresponding picks on the batch order. The system also updates the LPN and Drop ID with the generated LPN.
    • During the auto sort, a system-generated LPN is assigned to each original order. The assumption is that that all contents on the order fit into one outbound container.
    • Once the process is complete, the Batch Order is deleted.
  • Work Order Eligible by Order

    Opens a pop-up page that lists all of the orders and items that contain items eligible for work order processing based on a bill of materials defined for the parent item.

  • Work Order Eligible by Item

    Opens a pop-up page that lists all items with the total quantity requested for each item that is configured for work order processing based on a bill of materials defined for the parent item.

  • Batch for Pick to Grid

    When you select Function > Batch for Pick to Grid, orders on the wave are batched. The system directs batched picks to the put-to-store grid sort stations.

  • Batch for Quantity 1 Orders

    You can use this option to automate the wave creation, wave release, and wave batching of quantity one Ecommerce type orders in large volumes.

    • The sort station logic is not required since all orders are single line quantity 1 orders.
    • The Default Packing location specified on the Owner table at the warehouse level can be used as the initial sorting or packing location.