Viewing lot inventory and attributes

You can select the Lot field on a wave order to view lot inventory and lot attributes. The lot inventory and lot attributes screen can be accessed when you click the Lot field from either the Allocated or Picked tab.

To view the view lot inventory and lot attributes:

  1. Select Wave > Execution > Maintain Waves. The Wave Maintenance list is displayed.
  2. Select the applicable wave from the Wave Maintenance list. The summary information for the selected wave is displayed.
  3. Click the Allocated tab or Picked tab. The selected tab is displayed.
  4. With the cursor on the Lot field, click the Lot entry. The Lot Inventory and Lot Attributes view-only popup screen is displayed.
    • The lot attributes are displayed in the top/header portion of the popup screen.
    • The lot inventory balances are displayed in the bottom/details portion of the popup screen. Note that only the locations and LPNs associated with the Lot number displayed in the header and with an On Hand quantity greater than zero (0) are displayed in the details.
  5. Once you are finished viewing the lot inventory and lot attributes information, click the X in the upper right corner of the Lot Inventory and Lot Attributes screen to close the popup.