Configuring the owner

To configure the default values that WM sends to Infor SPS:

  1. Select Configuration > Trading Partner > Owner. The Owner screen is displayed.
  2. Click the Processing tab.
  3. Specify this information:
    Small Parcel Account Number
    Specify the valid account number which is configured in the Infor SPS system.
    Small Parcel Cost Center
    Specify the cost center for the transactions sent to Infor SPS. The shipping cost for this owner will be stored under this cost center in Infor SPS.
    Print Infor SPS Return Label
    To print the return label, specify Yes. This is only supported for UPS carrier.
    Default Dimension Unit
    Specify the dimension unit for the length, width and height of the package to send to Infor SPS. The default unit of measure is inches.
    Default Weight Unit of Measure
    Specify the unit of measure for the weight of the package to send to Infor SPS. The default is Pound.
    Default SPS API Override Strategy
    Select the SPS API override strategy used for this owner. Note that this field is optional; you only need to select a specific strategy if you want to override the default strategy for owners with special small parcel requirements. You may leave the field empty if there are no owner-specific rules.